Grabbed by Vicious: 1 Read online

Page 6

  “Will you be away all day?”

  He stroked her back. “Yes. If I can steal away for lunch, I will, but it’s likely you’ll have to eat that meal alone. For that, I apologize.”

  “It’s all right. I understand.”

  He believed she truly did and thanked his lucky stars he’d chosen such an independent and considerate woman.

  “What am I supposed to do all day?” She glanced around his spacious quarters. “It won’t take me long to clean.”

  He frowned. “You will not clean my quarters.”

  She looked surprised. “But I’m your bride.”

  “I have a cleaning service.”

  “Cancel it.”

  “What?” He didn’t understand her desire to clean their shared space. “It’s no problem, Hallie, and costs nothing.”

  “But this is my home now. I should keep it tidy for us.”

  He started to argue with her but wondered if he hadn’t wounded her pride in some way. Women from her planet were raised extremely traditionally. The home was their domain. Memories of his mother resurfaced. Though she’d been a pureblooded Harcos woman, she’d taken so much pride in creating a beautiful, welcoming home for her family. “All right. I’ll cancel the service, if that will make you happy.” He caressed her cheek. “But if you decide you’d like to turn over the housekeeping to someone else, you need only ask. The cleaning crews do a very good job.”

  She glanced around the room with a critical eye. “If you say so…”

  He smiled at her little dig. His gaze dropped to his watch. “I have to go soon. Let me give you the quick tour and explain the control consoles.”

  She followed him around his quarters and paid close attention when he pointed out the various control pads around the apartment. They were all touchscreen and voice-activation capable. When he started to walk her through the entertainment screens, she rolled her eyes and stopped him. “Just because I’m ignorant of technology doesn’t mean I don’t know how to read, Vicious. I’m not illiterate.”

  Abashed, he hastily apologized. “I’m sorry, Hallie. I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  She crossed her arms. “I can do math too, you know.”

  He smiled now. “Yes, I’m sure you can.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “I may not have had the same access to schools that you did but I found a way to learn the things I was denied. I’m not stupid.”

  His smile disappeared. He reached for her and dragged her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head and rubbed her arm. “I never said you were. I’m sorry if I made you feel belittled.”

  “I won’t embarrass you,” she promised, her voice muffled by his chest.

  “Hallie,” he whispered, his heart aching for her. When he’d shown her his office just a few moments ago, he’d noticed her gaze lingering on his wall of commendations and diplomas and degrees. He’d been lucky enough to earn a coveted spot in the military university and had studied hard. He knew firsthand that his educational background had opened up doors for him that even his talents as a battle commander never would have.

  Was she afraid that he would think less of her for her lack of a formal education? Or was it even deeper than that? Was it a fear of embarrassing him in front of his superiors by making some misstep? He knew there were some who would criticize him for taking a so-called backwater bride instead of going through one of the Harcos matchmaking services, but he’d always known he wanted a bride of new blood. He had every confidence in Hallie.

  “I like you just the way you are, Kitten. You don’t need a degree to earn my respect. It’s already yours.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and embraced him tightly. “You’re really good at saying the right thing.”

  He snorted in amusement and combed his fingers through her hair. “We’ll see if you think that in a week.”

  She laughed. “I’d say the odds aren’t in your favor.”

  “Not at all,” he agreed with a smile. Though he hated to go, he knew it was time. “I have to report to the bridge, Hallie. Use the communication console to contact me if there’s any kind of problem. Report any emergencies the same way.” He touched her collar. “You aren’t allowed free rein on the ship for some time yet. You are to stay inside our quarters unless I’m escorting you. Is that understood?”

  She nodded dutifully. “Yes.”

  “There are men on this ship who are desperate for wives, Hallie. Please understand that I’m not trying to keep you sequestered for no good reason. Also, it’s tradition for a bride to remain unseen for the first month. We wouldn’t want bad luck, would we?”

  She smiled at his teasing question. “No, definitely not.”

  “If there’s an emergency of some kind, the doors will open automatically.” He took her hand and led her to the entranceway of their apartment. He touched the screen there and brought up the emergency exit plans. He opened a small cubbyhole hidden behind an emergency placard and showed her a flat metallic card. “This is an emergency override key. It will open any door on this ship.” He tapped the screen and brought up a map. “Follow the red lights to this rendezvous site. If I’m not able to reach you, one of my men will see to your safety. They’ll protect you and keep you safe for me.”

  She gripped his hand. “Is that likely? I mean, does that happen often?”

  He shook his head and cupped her face. “No, Kitten, but I want you prepared just in case. We’re in a war. There are no guarantees.”

  “I understand.” She studied the emergency plans, no doubt committing them to memory as easily as she had the Grab maps. “What about you? How will you get off the ship if we take fire?”

  “There are escape pods available in the upper decks for the officers. You needn’t worry about me.” But it touched him that she did.

  Her fingernails bit into his skin. “You’re not one of those go-down-with-the-ship types, right?”

  “No.” He could see the fear in her eyes. Her silent plea reached him loud and clear. Please don’t leave me. “I’m a colonel, not an admiral. This ship is under the command of the sky fleet. I’m a land corps man.”

  Her brow furrowed in confusion. “Is there a book I can read or something? A manual, maybe?”

  “There is, actually. You can access it on one of the devices in the living area.” He glanced at his watch and grimaced. “All right. I have to go. I’ll have lunch dropped at the door.” He tipped her chin and forced her gaze to meet his. “You will eat everything on that tray.”

  “What if I don’t like it?”

  He considered her query. “All right. You may choose to not eat one item.”

  She didn’t look happy about the stipulation but didn’t fight him. “All right.”

  “Good.” His gaze moved over her. “Now take off the shirt.”

  “What?” She touched her chest. “But then I’ll be naked.”

  “That’s the point.”

  “But it’s daylight.”


  “And I can’t go running around your home naked all day!”

  “You can and you will.”


  “Hallie.” He spoke her name firmly, his tone brooking no refusal. She glared at him but peeled out of the shirt and handed it over. His appreciative gaze traveled her curves. “Beautiful.”

  “I feel ridiculous.”

  “You should feel sexy.” His hand snuck out and dragged her tight to his chest. “You are sexy.” His hand drifted to her tight little ass. He gave it a playful swat and she yelped. He soothed the red spot with his palm and kissed her lovingly. “I want you to get comfortable with your body, Hallie.”

  “By walking around naked all day?” She glanced at the door. “What if someone comes by? And what about lunch?”

  He handed her the shirt. “You may put on the shirt to answer the door for your food delivery. No one else will come by my quarters so you don’t need to worry.”

  “Just this shirt?” She gazed at
the too-large item of clothing. “Can’t I have some shorts?”

  “That depends on what you’re willing to do for them,” he countered. He wondered how far she was willing to take their negotiations.

  She chewed her lower lip and shook her head. “Never mind.”

  He laughed at her response. What in the world had she conjured in that mind of hers? Probably something much worse than he’d intended. “Come here and give me a kiss.”

  She rose on tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. He deepened the kiss and suddenly wished he could say the hell with duty and carry her back to his bed. Growling, he pulled away from her mouth and touched his burning lips to her forehead. “I’ll see you this evening.”

  Certain he wouldn’t be able to walk away if he lingered even a moment longer, he patted her bare bottom and quickly left his quarters. He waited to hear the three beeps signaling the lock had engaged behind him. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust Hallie. She was a smart young woman who wouldn’t knowingly put herself in danger. No, he just didn’t trust all the other swinging dicks on this ship.

  As he stepped into the elevator at the end of the hallway, he silently willed the hours of the workday to go faster. He wanted Hallie—and he wanted her now.

  Chapter Five

  Hallie stared at the bed and let those amazing memories of her first night with Vicious invade her mind. Of all the things she’d been expecting, the passionate awakening of her sexuality hadn’t been one of them. Under his masterful hands, she’d come to realize the depths of sensuality. That man, that big, scary stranger, had worked her body with such skill. Even now, it made her breathless just to remember his touch.

  She eyed the chain mount that he’d partially destroyed last night. This morning, he’d picked up the chain and taken it into the room where he’d kept her restrained. She didn’t ask why he’d changed his mind about her wearing it and he hadn’t volunteered his reason. Something had happened between them in that moment last night.

  Even though it had killed her to hook that chain to her collar, to submit to his whims and to basically make herself his pet, she’d done it. He’d shown her such patience and tenderness. She’d been dreading the moment he would take her and make her his wife in full but he’d made the experience so beautiful and satisfying. After what he’d given her, she thought it only right to give him something in return.

  When he’d jerked the chain free, she’d been stunned. His sweet kisses and gentle caresses when he’d joined her in bed drove away any worries she’d had about upsetting him. Maybe he didn’t need that kind of total submission after all.

  Her gaze drifted back to the bed. When she’d asked about the laundry after their morning shower, Vicious had mentioned that most of his things were bagged and taken to the laundry by the cleaning crew. She pulled back the cover on the hastily made bed and saw the rumpled and stained sheets. Heat flooded her cheeks at the sight of pale-pink streaks. The evidence of their coupling stared her in the face. She quickly jerked the sheets from the bed and bundled them up in her arms. It was a strange thing to feel so embarrassed by but she couldn’t help it. Some things were private and this was one of them. She really didn’t want strangers in a central laundry facility gawking at the sheets upon which they’d consummated their bond.

  Hallie made her way to the small room off the kitchen where Vicious had briefly pointed out the laundry facilities for their private use. She studied the strange contraptions. He hadn’t explained how they worked. She figured he’d probably never used them. They sure didn’t look as if they’d ever been in use.

  She tapped the touchscreen pad mounted on the wall next to the two box-like devices. A variety of options popped up, all of them confusing. She suddenly yearned for her washboard and homemade detergent. At least those she could use without the technological barrier.

  Realizing she wasn’t going to figure this out without some help, Hallie placed the dirty sheets on the counter and left the room. She might not be able to handle the laundry situation but she could definitely tidy up the rest of his quarters.

  Except cleaning the apartment didn’t take very long. In less than two hours, she’d dusted and wiped every surface and tidied every spot that could possibly be tidied. She’d even found clean sheets in the drawers along the bottom of the bed to replace the ones she’d ripped free.

  At least she felt as if she was contributing to the cost of her upkeep. It wasn’t much but it was something. Maybe Vicious would allow her to take in some ironing or other side work to put them on a more even playing field. It would put her mind at ease to know she wasn’t just leeching off him.

  Wondering what to do now, Hallie entered the living room and sat down on the couch. She quickly popped right back onto her feet. The upholstery fabric felt strange and unnatural, most likely some synthetic abomination. She favored the simpler fabrics of her furniture at home. Though worn and frayed in spots, they were natural and real, not shiny and squeaky like this stuff.

  She made her way to the bathroom, grabbed a towel from the cabinet and returned to the spacious living area. As she draped the towel over the corner cushion, Hallie cast a glance around the open layout of Vicious’ private quarters. Her family’s entire home would fit in the living room, kitchen and formal dining area. The stark difference from her very nearly hand-to-mouth upbringing and the comfort Vicious provided had never been clearer.

  This morning when he’d insisted she eat all that food, she’d been simultaneously annoyed by his bossiness and touched that he even cared. At home, only her brother Jarek gave her a second thought. He always remembered her birthday and often tried to keep a little of his dinner or breakfast set aside for her. Her father and Claren thought of her as their servant. There was never a kind word or a considerate thought from either of them. Bernie hadn’t been much better but Hallie understood why her sister had that selfish streak. When you had absolutely nothing, it was so easy to be miserly with the little bit that was yours.

  All this time, Hallie had feared the Grab and this supposedly evil lifestyle. Her family and village had practically indoctrinated her with twisted tales of sexual slavery and worse. She’d been just as bad, secretly judging those women who seemed excited by the prospect of a ruthless sky warrior stealing them away.

  What she’d shared with Vicious wasn’t violent or horrific. She wasn’t quite sure about that restraint business but everything else had been amazing. He seemed to care deeply for her. The bossiness and wanting to master her might mellow in time. Even if it didn’t, she preferred Vicious’ style of domination to the backhanded slaps and painful hair pulling her father had so often employed.

  Hallie sat down on the towel-covered cushion and made a face. The couch made the squeakiest noises as she got comfortable. She picked up the small tablet-like device on the end table and tapped the screen. She studied the options and chose the library. Her eyes widened in awe at the realization she had thousands of books at her fingertips.

  Back home, their village library had less than two hundred texts available and all of them conforming to the rigidly enforced morality standards. These books would never have been allowed. Her finger trembled as she brushed it across the screen and browsed everything available to her now. She didn’t even know where to start. Everything looked so good and so interesting.

  She’d gotten a quarter of the way into a mystery novel when a strange chime interrupted her. At first, she didn’t know what it was. She set aside the tablet and rose from the couch. Glancing around the living area, she tried to figure out where the noise had originated. The chimes sounded a second time and she realized it was the door.

  Why not knock? She crossed the living room, paused at the entryway table to grab the shirt Vicious had lent her and quickly slipped into it. She spotted the peephole on the door but it was much too high for her to use. A little embarrassed by her half-naked state and on edge with uncertainty, she punched the unlock key and pulled on the door handle. She opened the door just enough to pee
r into the hallway.

  Her gaze fell on a broad chest encased in an all-black military uniform similar to the one Vicious wore. She lifted her gaze to the face of her unknown caller and barely managed to stifle a gasp. He was tall like Vicious but much leaner, and his face—

  Oh god, his face! The poor man had been the victim of a horrific slashing. His left eye had been completely gouged out, it seemed, and his eyelids had been fused in the crudest way. Two scars arced out from his eye wound, the paler, gnarly lines like lightning bolts across his cheek and temple.

  The ugliness of his scars surprised her. Vicious had many scars on his body but none like this. All of her mate’s scars were fine and light. No doubt he’d benefited from the best medical technology and surgical techniques, but this man? Oh no. It looked as if one of the primitive medical men in her village had gotten hold of him.

  She noticed his stiff posture and tight jaw. He looked as if he’d steeled himself for her scream. Not wanting to hurt his feelings, she smiled and said, “Hello.”

  His lips curved in a surprised grin, his face not so scary now. “Hello.” He leaned to the side to try to get a better look at her but she remained hidden behind the door. He chuckled and shook his head. “You are nothing like I expected.”

  She gripped the door and frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “Sorry.” He held out his hand, the fingers calloused and scarred. “I’m Terror. Vicious is my oldest friend and I just had to see the woman he’d Grabbed.”

  Terror? Sweet heavens, who in the world had named these men?

  “Hallie.” She poked her hand through the gap and shook his much larger one. “It’s nice to meet you, Terror.” She let her gaze drop to the tray he held. “I see you’ve brought me lunch.”

  He nodded. “I intercepted the corporal Vicious entrusted with your lunch. May I bring it in?”

  She hesitated. Terror seemed nice enough but he could be lying through his teeth. “Vicious wouldn’t approve. He was very clear on his instructions this morning.”