Grabbed by Vicious: 1 Read online

Page 5

  She figured that was the understatement of the year. “My people are farmers and tradesmen. We don’t even have any ships with surface-to-sky capabilities,” she reminded him. “It wouldn’t be much of a rescue that would be mounted if I asked.”

  “Your sister lives in the colonies. They have access to technology similar to ours.”

  She was surprised he remembered that detail she’d imparted last night. “My sister wouldn’t.”

  “Her male might.”

  “There is no male in the picture.”

  “Then how did she get off your planet? I understood travel was heavily restricted for unmarried women.”

  “It is.” She prayed he wouldn’t press the issue. He wasn’t going to like the answer—and she would probably end up in the ship’s prison.

  “Hallie, how did your sister get off the planet?”

  “Please, Vicious, just drop it.”

  His strong hands pressed her onto her back. He loomed over her, his expression a mix of mistrust and concern. “If you have knowledge of insurgent trafficking you have to tell me now. I can protect you from a treasonous charge. Tell me the truth or risk prison.”

  Her eyes widened in terror. “You think I associate with terrorists?”

  “There’s a war raging in this system, Hallie. People younger than you are involved with the Splinters and their atrocious crimes.”

  She gulped at the realization he thought so little of her. Those monstrous men and women who had splintered from their Harcos brethren and fought against the Alliance had no respect for life. They killed without regard for age or innocence. They were more despicable than she could describe—and Vicious thought her capable of working with them. It hurt more deeply than she’d ever imagined. Last night had been so beautiful. This morning was so ugly.

  “Get off me!” She struggled to free herself but his weight and strength trapped her.

  “Tell me the truth, Hallie. How did your sister get off your planet?”

  “I’m not going to put the people of my village at risk. There are men and women there who depend on the secret network of sympathizers from the colonies for medical supplies and other contraband.”

  His gaze softened. “Contraband? Do you mean you engaged the services of a smuggler?”

  She avoided his gaze and swallowed hard. It was a crime punishable by life imprisonment in her village to work with smugglers or to introduce items from the outside world. “Maybe.”

  “Look at me.” When she didn’t meet his gaze, he grasped her chin and turned her toward him. “Are you talking about private cargo ships like the Shepherd?” He must have seen the answer in her face because he relaxed. “We know about the cargo drops and exchanges from that class of ship. We turn a blind eye to them even though they violate the laws of your land. We see the importance of proper medical supplies and other needs among your people.” He eyed her carefully. “How did you ever afford the fare for your sister?”

  “Vicious,” she said, her tone desperate. “Please don’t make me answer that.”

  “Don’t you trust me?” He sounded hurt.

  “I don’t know you well enough to put the lives of so many people at risk,” she answered honestly. “I’ve already said too much. If someone is hurt because of this, I’ll never forgive myself.”

  “Hallie.” He said her name so softly. “I would never betray your confidence.” He studied her face. Her expression must have shown her uncertainty. “Someday, you’ll believe me.”

  “Vicious…” She didn’t want him to feel rejected but she was just being smart. She didn’t really know this man. “I—”

  “Sh,” he whispered and claimed her mouth. In that instant, their spat was forgotten. He caressed her cheek as his lips moved across hers. He stoked the glowing embers of her lust with his tongue and fingertips. She melted into his heat and strength. This man could make her forget the world with his kisses. Whether that was a good thing or the absolute worst, she couldn’t say.

  His hand glided along her ribs to her hip and down to her knee. When it swept along the inside of her thigh, she shivered. His fingertips found her pussy and probed the soft, dewy petals. She gasped at the invasion and tried to shut her knees. The discomfort was so quick and sharp it took her breath away.

  His hand immediately stilled. “I’m sorry. I forgot.”

  “It’s all right.” She wanted him to stop but didn’t want him to stop. It was maddening.

  “It’s not. I shouldn’t let my desires overwhelm my common sense.” His lips twitched with amusement. “You make me forget the simplest things.”

  His words made her smile. She figured it was no easy feat to make such a high-ranking officer of the Harcos forces forget anything.

  “Oh!” Vicious teased her breast with this tongue. He suckled her nipple while massaging her other breast. When his tongue abandoned her left nipple for the right, he pinched it lightly. Her breasts buzzed and ached. She’d never imagined her nipples could be so sensitive. She moaned as he expertly worked her flesh.

  His mouth left her breasts and skimmed her belly. He circled her navel with his tongue and slid down the bed. His wide shoulders forced her thighs apart. She gulped and gripped the sheet in her hands. He nuzzled her pussy with his mouth, his chin sliding side to side and making her gasp as he touched her sensitive sex.

  He used his fingers to part her folds. Even after all they’d done last night, she still felt embarrassed to have him staring at her most intimate spot. She sucked in a quick breath as his tongue flicked across her clitoris. “Oh god!”

  Vicious chuckled softly and lapped at the tiny bundle of nerves. It was hard to believe something so small could make her feel so good. Vicious knew exactly how to work the little pearl. His tongue fluttered and flicked. He pulled her clit between his lips and worked his tongue around the bud.

  Panicky shudders infiltrated her lower belly. Vicious let his tongue move even lower then. He probed her swollen tissues, easing her soreness. The discomfort faded some as he penetrated her again and again with his tongue. He took his time and savored her pussy.

  When he returned his attention to her clit, she could barely breathe. She couldn’t believe the things this man was doing to her. Twenty-four hours ago, she hadn’t even had her first glimpse of Vicious, of the man who would claim her and make her his bride. Now he buried his face in her pussy and lashed her with his tongue.

  “Ah!” She reached down to touch his head, her movement tentative. Would he mind? Her fingernails lightly scratched at his scalp. His tongue fluttered over her clitoris and drove her closer and closer to the edge. Her toes curled into the mattress. Her thighs tensed. Any moment now…

  “Vicious!” His name echoed in the room as she climaxed with such intensity. Her shoulders came up off the bed and she undulated wildly as his tongue attacked her with even more vigor. She tried to close her legs and pull away from him but those big hands clamped on her inner thighs and held her in place. He went wild on her pussy and forced her into a second orgasm that left her so limp she could barely breathe.

  The sensation of his rough palms stroking her belly and sides roused her from the stupor he’d induced. He kissed his way up her body and then captured her mouth. The spicy musk of her arousal filled her nose. It was a strange yet incredibly intimate experience to smell and taste herself on him.

  Vicious was so sensual and gentle with her. He didn’t try to penetrate her with the massive cock now rubbing against her belly. It was his right but he didn’t force the issue. His tenderness was surprising but she wasn’t foolish enough to think him soft. The man was a ruthless soldier. He could just as easily snap her neck as caress it.

  When he shifted, his thick erection grazed her pussy. She flinched and tried to shut her thighs, just in case she’d read him wrong.

  “Easy,” Vicious urged. “I promised I wouldn’t harm you. I’m not that much of a brute.”

  She shot him an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

��s all right.” He grasped her hand and dragged it down between their bodies. He wrapped her fingers around his big cock. She couldn’t even come close to encircling him completely. “Stroke me, Kitten.”

  She gulped nervously. He was huge and hard. “I don’t know how.”

  He kissed her, his tongue darting inside to dance with hers. “Like this.”

  His big paw covered hers and showed her how to stroke him. His mouth returned to hers. He kissed her silly while guiding her hand up and down his monstrous shaft. She couldn’t believe that thing had been inside her last night. No wonder she felt so battered this morning!

  Still, she couldn’t wait to have him in her again. That feeling of being stretched and filled had been better than her wildest dreams. When he’d strummed her clitoris and helped her climax with his cock inside her, she’d thought for sure the pleasure would be the death of her. It was wicked and lovely.

  Vicious kissed her with more intensity. His hand sped up, forcing hers to glide up and down his shaft at a quicker speed. Wetness appeared beneath her fingertips. His pre-cum, she supposed. Though her sex education hadn’t included any of these finer details, her eldest sister had made sure to tell her that even if a man pulled out before he came it wasn’t truly safe. Pre-cum could get her in just as much trouble as semen. Sadly, that wasn’t a lesson Bernie had learned.

  When Vicious’ hips started to pump, she experienced a frisson of excitement. She could see the little vein jumping in his neck. Leaning forward, she licked the spot and then nipped at him, mimicking the way he’d tormented her last night.

  “Hallie!” He shouted her name, his tone surprised and pained. In the next instant, something hot and wet sprayed her belly. Stunned, she glanced between their bodies and saw his semen spurting from the tip. It amazed her so much she forgot to keep stroking for a few seconds. When she resumed her up and down movement, Vicious shuddered and spilled even more of his essence onto her skin. He groaned and shivered before reaching down to stop her. “Enough. You’re killing me.”

  She grinned with the realization she could affect him so much. He slid down beside her on the bed. She kissed his jaw and then his mouth. His deep, relaxed breaths buffeted her face.

  Idly, he smeared his seed around her belly. When he lifted two semen-coated fingers to her lips, she shot him a questioning glance. Did he want her to—?

  “Lick me, Kitten.”

  She considered telling him no but then thought of the way he’d tasted her. He seemed to enjoy her flavor. Perhaps he tasted just as good?

  Her tongue stole out and flicked across his fingertips. His taste, a pleasant sweetness, burst on her tongue. She’d been expecting something quite different. This was a nice surprise.

  “Suck them clean,” he ordered, his voice gruff and deep.

  She held his gaze as she sucked his fingertips between her lips and licked his skin clean. Feeling bold, she bit down gently on his fingers. Vicious hissed but smiled. “You’re a fast learner.”

  “Am I?”

  He kissed her deeply, his tongue swiping hers and making her tremble. “You are, and it pleases me very much.”

  His admission filled her with the strongest sense of pride and accomplishment. Less than a day as his mate and already she craved his compliments. What in the world was happening to her? Was she really falling for Vicious? This quickly? It wasn’t possible. Love took months to develop, didn’t it? Surely this was just infatuation or a side-effect of the lust he inspired.

  If it wasn’t, and if she was truly falling in love with Vicious, she was in big trouble. It wasn’t a good idea to give her heart to a man who was, for all intents and purposes, a stranger. She didn’t know the first thing about him. Yes, they clicked in the bedroom but outside that door? God only knew if they were compatible.

  “I want to feed you before I leave.” Vicious sat up and held out his hand. “Come shower with me.”

  Without a second thought, she placed her hand in his. It felt so right. She allowed him to haul her off the bed and followed him into his bathroom. This man was her husband now. He’d won her fair and square in the Grab. There was no going back. If she could find happiness with him, why not grasp it with both hands and hold tight?

  Vicious pulled her into the oversized shower stall. He wrapped his arms around her and tipped her chin. His lips touched her forehead. “You’re thinking again.”


  “Good thoughts?”

  She kissed his chest. “The very best.”


  Vicious watched his young bride eat. He noticed the way she’d placed such small servings on her plate. She ate slowly, as if trying to savor every last bite. He caught her eyeing the plate of sausages in the center of the table. He expected her to take another serving of the breakfast meat but she poured another glass of water instead. It finally occurred to him that she might not realize she could have more.

  He stabbed two of the links with his fork and pushed them onto her plate. “Eat.”

  Hallie stared at the sausage as if it were a forbidden food. “No. You need to eat as much protein as possible. I’m fine with my water and fruit.”

  He frowned. “I arranged a large breakfast for us. There are no food shortages here. You should eat as much as you like.” He considered her thin frame. “It wouldn’t do you any harm to gain a little weight.”

  “I don’t want you to go hungry, Vicious. I’ll be fine with this.” She gestured to her glass of water and the tiny serving of fruit.

  “The hell you will,” he grumbled. Ignoring her protests, he picked her up and settled her onto his lap. She wore one of his shirts and nothing else. It was a look he rather liked. Picking up her plate, he moved it closer and then grabbed one of the sausage links. “Open up, Hallie.”


  “Eat or I’m going to toss you over my lap and spank your ass.”

  She gasped. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Try me, Kitten.”

  She gauged his sincerity. Realizing he was serious, she reached for the piece of sausage and took a bite. “Happy?”

  “I will be once you’ve eaten your true fill.” He caressed her back. “Food is ample here. As a colonel, I receive a generous monthly salary. You will not go to bed hungry. Is that understood?” She nodded. “Why in the world would you think that I would be happy with you eating so little?”

  She shrugged. “Food is expensive in my village. The groceries in our home are rationed carefully.”

  She didn’t need to say anything more. “Your father and brothers forced you to take the smallest portions.”

  “Of course.” She shrugged again. “I was a housekeeper. I don’t require that many calories to survive.”

  He bit back a curse at their selfishness. At the very least, they could have rotated days or nights for the smallest amounts to safeguard her health.

  “You’re my wife now and I won’t have you starving yourself.” His hand moved to her belly. “You could be carrying my child, Hallie. A pregnant mother deserves the very best nutrition.”

  She chewed slowly. He recognized that thoughtful expression. Anxiety twisted his gut. “Are you upset by the thought of carrying my child?”

  “What?” Her gaze snapped to his face. “No. I mean…I don’t know.”

  He figured that wasn’t as bad as an absolute no.

  She touched his arm. “I’m not averse to the idea. I want to be a mother, Vicious. I just didn’t think it would happen in this way. We hardly know one another.”

  “Yes.” He couldn’t argue that point. Hoping to reassure her, he added, “I will be a good father to our children, Hallie. They’ll never want for anything. Nor will you.”

  She smiled and entwined her fingers with his. “I don’t doubt that.”

  “It will take time to learn about one another, but I think we’ve made a good start of it. I can’t promise that it will be sunshine and flowers but I’ll try my very best. You have my word on that.”

  “I’ve heard that Harcos men never go back on their word.”

  “We don’t. It’s a matter of honor.” He speared another sausage link and lifted it to her lips. “Eat.”

  “May I have some juice?” She looked a bit sheepish as she asked for such a simple thing.

  “Of course.” He hated that she’d been taught to think she wasn’t worthy of enough food to fill her belly. He poured a big glass of the pale-blue juice and then grabbed a biscuit. He slathered the sweet, creamy butter on the soft bread and shoved it into her hand. “Eat this too.”

  She didn’t fight him on that order. Though she ate rather daintily, her bites small and well-spaced, she devoured everything he set in front of her. He liked watching her eat. It brought him an immense amount of satisfaction to know he’d provided her with more comfort and security than she’d known. Hallie deserved so much more than the hardships she’d endured down on that backward hellhole.

  “I wish I could stay with you all day.” He allowed a little wistfulness to infiltrate his voice.

  “Why can’t you?”

  He was pleased to hear her disappointment. “I’m the highest-ranking member of the land corps aboard the Valiant, Hallie. The soldiers aboard this ship depend on me. I don’t have the luxury of the typical four-week leave that most new husbands are allowed.” He frowned as he played with her hair. “We are at war, after all.”

  “I forget that sometimes,” she admitted. “That we’re at war,” she clarified. “Our village is so small and technologically lagging that we’re not exactly a prime target for any of the Splinter campaigns. We had that problem with the Merkorian beasties but your people seem to have nipped that one in the bud.”

  He snorted at her use of the term “beasties”. It seemed such a playful word to describe those scaly, slimy reptilian monsters with their blood-sucking fangs and acidic venom. For years, they’d been the primary enemy to Hallie’s people. It wasn’t until the civil war moved into her planet’s sector that his people had seen a benefit to making a treaty with them. They’d agreed to rid them of the Merkorian problem in exchange for the use of their airspace, the right to police and patrol their orbital zone, the trade of food stuffs and other goods and, of course, women.