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Saved by Venom: 3 (Grabbed) Page 9

  A short time later, Dizzy anxiously eyed the closed bathroom door. Any second Venom would step out of there freshly showered…and then what?

  She twirled some of her hair around her finger and thought about the dinner. In some ways it had been very much like a first date. Except that it had taken place in a hospital bed while she was half-dressed and looking like a hot mess.

  As she played with her hair, the scent of the shampoo provided by the hospital wafted toward her nose. It wasn’t unpleasant but it was a bit too stringent and manly for her tastes. Surely they had stores that sold feminine soaps and shampoos? She hoped so—otherwise Venom was going to have to get used to snuggling up to a girl who smelled like one of his comrades.

  Thoughts of snuggling with her giant sky warrior left her feeling a bit lightheaded. It wasn’t the sickness that made her feel that way. No, it was the memory of Venom’s thick, corded arms wrapped around her in the bathroom while she washed her hands. Even though he had shifted away from her she’d still felt the very hard—and very big—evidence of his attraction toward her nudging her backside.

  When he had dropped those ticklish kisses on her neck she’d nearly fallen into the sink. Her knees had gone all wobbly and her tummy had trembled wildly. If a couple of kisses and a hug did that to her, how the hell was she going to survive Venom making love to her?

  And he wanted to make love to her so badly. There was no doubt in her mind about that.

  When he had accompanied her into the bathroom for her shower she’d been sure he would try to finagle his way into the stall with her. He had surprised her by giving her some privacy and space. Though he wouldn’t leave the room he’d turned his back and kept his arms crossed. A few times she’d caught him sneaking peeks in the mirror but she couldn’t fault him for that. Had the tables been turned she would have wanted to get a glimpse of his naked body too.

  Even though he was obviously trying to be respectful of her need to recuperate he couldn’t hide the burning lust darkening his blue eyes every time he looked at her. Considering how long he’d waited for the chance to have a wife she couldn’t really blame him for being so hot. That he’d shown this much restraint proved his self-control.

  Her experience as a young woman living alone in The City taught her to be wary of men who were so kind and gentle. Usually they had ulterior motives. But she didn’t think Venom was one of those men.

  Talking with Risk had given her some insight into the man who had snatched her from the planet’s surface. He had survived so much to earn the points needed to enter a Grab. He seemed to want nothing more than to take care of and love her. After being emotionally and physically abandoned by her father after her mother’s traumatic death, the idea of having someone to lean on for support was incredibly enticing.

  She wasn’t silly enough to think that it was going to be smooth sailing between them—they’d only just met, after all—but she had a growing hope that life with Venom could be very good.

  First they would need to deal with that bossy streak of his. She felt conflicted when he gave her orders. She naturally rebelled at the idea of being told what to do by anyone…but she would be lying if she denied there wasn’t some tiny part of her that found Venom’s commanding nature rather exciting. There was something about that gruff voice of his that made her shiver inside.

  The bathroom door opened and Venom exited in a small cloud of steam. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head at the sight of his half-naked body. She had to clamp her teeth together to keep her jaw from dropping. It was rude to stare but she just couldn’t help herself.

  Oblivious to the way he affected her Venom strode into the hospital room and dropped his neatly folded uniform onto an empty chair. He wore only black shorts and when he bent down to adjust the boots he’d left under the chair she got a rather enticing view of his taut backside. The sight inspired some rather naughty visions of this gorgeous man between her thighs, thrusting into her and showing her all the secret delights of a marriage bed.

  A wicked thrill raced through as she ogled his massive and muscular body. He straightened up and walked to the end of her bed. She took in his broad chest and toned arms. Tattoos marked the right side of his body, swirling around his arm right down to his knuckles and arcing up the side of his neck. His left side remained bare. She had heard they reserved the left side, the side closest to their hearts, for telling the stories of their families while the right side told of their military history.

  “Do they bother you?” As if self-conscious, he ran his hand over the dark ink.

  She was surprised to see such a tense set to his square jaw. “No. Why would they?”

  “Some of your women don’t like them.”

  “I think they’re beautiful.” At his funny face, she added, “You know, in a manly sort of way.”

  Laughing, he walked over to the side of the bed. She took advantage of his closer position to reach out and touch one of the tattoos. He inhaled a sharp breath and she instinctively pulled back her hand, worrying she’d crossed some line. Grabbing her wrist, he dragged her hand back to his arm. “I want you to touch me. It surprised me. That’s all.”

  With his fingers wrapped loosely around her wrist, Dizzy traced the symbols on his skin. How long had it been since a woman had touched him like this? Too long if his heavier breaths were any indication.

  Her finger moved to a series of squares with slash marks through them. He had them rolling up his biceps and onto his back. “What do these symbols mean?”

  Venom didn’t answer her immediately. Seeming reluctant, he explained, “They mark my confirmed kills as a sniper. Every box equals five.”

  “Five?” Her astounded reply escaped her lips before she could stop it. There were just so many of them on his skin. She didn’t have the stomach to add them up.

  “Yes.” The harsh, pained whisper of his voice cut her to the bone. She could feel the cold waves of regret and discomfort radiating from him. Venom dropped her wrist and took a step back. “I’ll put on a shirt.”

  “Stop.” She reached for him, clasping his hand and tugging him down onto the bed. He watched her with a mistrusting eye, almost as if he feared what she would say next. Fully aware this was a chink in his emotional armor, she wanted to tread carefully. “I can’t even pretend to understand what war is like.”

  “You probably understand better than most brides.” His thick finger moved aside the thin collar circling her neck to touch the gnarly scars dotting her skin.

  “Maybe,” she said uncertainly. “Venom, I don’t know you that well—but I don’t think you’re a monster. I think you’re a highly talented soldier who did his duty. I won’t judge you for carrying out orders.”

  “Maybe not,” he said quietly, “but these tattoos will be a constant reminder of the things I’ve done and of the lives I’ve taken.”

  Searching for the right words, she swept her palm over the markings on his hard biceps. “This is your past, Venom.” Her hand moved to his left arm where the skin remained pristine. “This is your future. That’s all that matters to me.”

  He swallowed hard, his throat moving, before taking her hand and dragging it down to the space above his heart. “You are my future. This is our future.”

  The huskiness to his voice made her chest tighten. Since surviving the bombing Dizzy hadn’t really allowed herself to think too far ahead. In the back of her mind, she secretly doubted there was a future. Terrorists like the Splinters wouldn’t stop with one bomb. No, they were biding their time and waiting for the next opportunity to strike.

  She had allowed herself to plan as far ahead as next month. Thinking in short-term bursts—tomorrow or next week—didn’t make her nervous. After all, she had design and production deadlines that had to be met—but daydreaming about five years down the road? Never.

  Sitting there with Venom, Dizzy allowed herself to imagine for the briefest of moments what her life could be like in a year or two. She remembered all the things he’d ta
lked about wanting with her, especially a family, and liked the possibilities that flashed before her eyes.

  “Have I gone too far?” Her hulking sky warrior stared at her so intently. “Is it too soon to talk about our future?”

  She shot him a bemused glance. “Venom, you snatched me out of a forest and put your collar on me. Moving too fast happened around five minutes after I left that cold, muddy pen.”

  “Fair enough,” he said with a short laugh. He brushed his fingers through her loose hair. “When you think about the future, what do you think about?”

  “Security.” The answer came swiftly. “I’m so tired of being afraid.”

  Compassion softened his expression. “I’ll protect you.”

  She figured if any man in the universe could pull off that promise it was Venom. “Yes, I think you will.”

  Feeling braver than ever, she leaned forward and planted a kiss right on his mouth. He reacted with some surprise at her aggressive move. In the short time they had been together she had been too shy or uncertain of him to let down her guard. Not anymore.

  When she looped her arms around his shoulders, Venom relaxed and slid his hand to her nape. Cupping the back of her head, he took control of the kiss she’d initiated. With any other man it would have annoyed her to lose power but there was just something so damn intoxicating about the way Venom naturally assumed the dominant role.

  And the man could kiss!

  As he had back in the forest when he’d left her shivering with desire, he quickly wowed her with his skill. His tongue flirted with hers before delving deeper. She had never allowed the few men she’d dated to get very far with such passionate kisses. Considering she had sworn off sex before marriage to protect herself, she tried not to cross that line. Too many steps on the wrong side and it might prove too difficult to stop.

  But all those old worries and roadblocks fled. Held in Venom’s strong arms she was powerless to deny him the erotic kisses he seemed intent on sharing with her. Nor did she want to deny him. God, she wanted it all.

  When he sucked just the tip of her tongue she nearly died. Her heart fluttered wildly and she whimpered with need. He nibbled her bottom lip until her face flushed and she throbbed all over. Overheated and panting, she clung to him and wished he’d keep going.

  A man cleared his throat very loudly from the doorway of the hospital room. Dizzy tore away from Venom in shock but he didn’t seem the least bit fazed. He forced her to meet his calm, assured gaze. His playful wink lessened her embarrassment at being caught making out like teenagers.

  “Venom,” Risk said with teasing censure in his voice, “if you can’t let her rest, I’ll have to banish you to the waiting room.”

  Venom grunted and sent the surgeon a daring look. “I’d like to see you try.”

  Laughing, Risk walked toward the bed. “The dozens of sedatives at my fingertips might even the odds.”

  Venom cracked a smile. “You always did like to play dirty.”

  “I prefer to think of it as playing smarter.” Risk reached toward the neck of her hospital gown. In a movement so fast it startled her, Venom gripped the surgeon’s wrist. Instead of looking annoyed, Risk rolled his eyes. “Would you calm the hell down? I’m removing her life-sign patches so you two won’t be setting off alarms all night. The medics have other patients who need their attention.”

  Venom released the doctor’s wrist. “I’ll do it.”

  “Fine.” Risk shrugged and reached up to tap away at the screen mounted on the wall next to her bed. “I’m stopping your vital signs checks. You’ve been stable since surgery so there’s no point. We’ll get another read during your discharge exam. We also need to complete your intake exam in the morning.”

  “What does that entail?” Her belly lurched as the possibility of painful procedures awaited her.

  “Nothing scary,” Risk replied. “We were able to take samples for all of the necessary tests while we prepped you for surgery. We need to go over your medical history to make sure we haven’t missed anything small. That’s all.”

  “Oh.” That didn’t sound so bad.

  Venom carefully peeled the small silver squares from her upper arm and chest. “It will be quick and painless. We’ll be out of here before you know it.”

  The idea of being alone with Venom made her heart race. When she had queued up to run in the Grab that morning she’d dreaded the idea of being alone with one of these scary Harcos males. Now she couldn’t wait for Venom to take her away to his home.

  Risk headed to the large window looking out toward a central station where medics and doctors congregated. When he tapped the glass it changed from transparent to opaque to provide them privacy. “That’s amazing.”

  Venom chuckled. “I can’t wait to show you around our quarters. You’re going to love the technology.”

  Risk watched them with interest. Whatever he saw made him smile. “I’m off shift soon but I’ll see you two in the morning.” Pausing in the doorway, he pointed at Venom. “She’s still my patient, so behave yourself, Captain.”

  Venom held up his hands. “I’ll keep my big paws above the sheet.”

  Risk snorted and shook his head. “It’s not your hands I’m worried about, Ven.”

  Venom balled up the stickers he’d peeled from her skin and tossed them at Risk. The surgeon displayed his whip-fast reflexes by catching them midair before they pelted his head. Still laughing, Risk chucked the small ball into refuse bin on his way out the door. “Have fun, kids.”

  “But not too much,” Venom grumbled and slid off the bed. “Do you sleep with the lights on or off?”

  “On,” she admitted. “Ever since…”

  “The bombing,” he said with an understanding smile. “That’s all right. It won’t bother me to keep them dimmed.” He adjusted the lights to their lowest setting before returning to the bed and moving the sharp incline to its flattest setting. When he put his knee on the mattress to join her for the night she looked at him as though he was crazy. “What is it?”

  She pointed out the obvious. “We’re not going to fit.”

  “Sure we are,” he replied, undaunted. “We’re going to have to get very close—but we’ll make it work.”

  He seemed rather excited about getting very close. Dizzy wasn’t so sure getting that close was such a good idea tonight. Deciding a buffer between their bodies was the best option, she scooted all the way to the other edge of the mattress and rolled onto her side, presenting him with her back. She tried to ignore the way his body heat called to her, urging her to snuggle against his naked chest and inhale the now-familiar scent of him.

  “I don’t think so, sugar.” Venom’s huge hand cupped her hip. With one good tug he dragged her onto her back. “I didn’t get my foot caught in a damn trap only to spend the night staring at your hair.”

  When his head dipped toward hers she put her hands against his chest. The futile gesture made him grin. They both knew there was no way she could stop him from kissing her right now. Not that she really wanted to stop him.

  “Relax.” His husky voice soothed her. “I’m not about to make love to my mate for the first time in a hospital bed.”

  The anxious ball of nerves in her belly stopped bouncing. “No?”

  “No.” He brushed his mouth against hers. “But I have a few ideas of how we might enjoy ourselves.”

  She gulped at his wickedly inspiring words. “Oh?”

  “Mmmhmm,” he hummed his reply while skimming his lips down her throat.

  She nervously bit her lower lip as she remembered the doctor’s orders. “You promised to keep your hands above the sheet.”

  Venom lifted his head. Those pale-blue eyes of his sparkled with mischief. “Is that a dare?”

  His devilishly sexy grin made her toes curl. “No.”

  His deep, rumbling laughter echoed in the stillness of their room. “It sure sounded like one.”

  “You don’t strike me as the kind of man I should be eggi
ng on with dares.”

  “Oh, I don’t know about that.” He ran his fingertip along the rounded neck of the hospital gown. “Maybe you could dare me to put a big smile on your face.”

  She squeezed her thighs together as heat pulsed between them. “I really don’t think I’m brave enough to do that.”

  “Lucky for you I have enough bravery for the two of us.”

  Oh, she didn’t doubt that.

  Venom claimed her mouth in a slow, sensual kiss. He didn’t seem to be in any rush as he traced the seam of her lips with his tongue before flicking between them. With gentle pressure, he coaxed her to accept his invasion. Eyes closed, she relished the way his big, hard body curled around hers.

  It seemed wicked to let this man she had known for less than a day kiss her like this but she couldn’t find any reason to stop him. The idea that she belonged to Venom freed her from all the pressure to deny herself any pleasure. The rules were very different up here in Venom’s world.

  All those carnal delights she’d yearned to experience were no longer off-limits. As long as he’d waited for his chance to have a mate Venom wasn’t going to abandon her after he had his first taste. After everything he had shown her today she believed she could trust him.

  With a soft sigh she wound her arms around his wide shoulders. Her fingertips ghosted over his shaved head and encountered the rough stubble. Cupping her face, Venom plundered her mouth, leaving her breathless and aching all over. Her breasts became so incredibly sensitive that the thin fabric of the hospital gown sliding against her nipples forced them into tight, throbbing peaks.

  As his searing kisses grew more intense she tightened her hold on him. His hand left her face to follow a slow trail down her neck, over her collar and toward her breasts. He palmed her flesh through the gown and she hissed with need.

  “I can’t wait to get you home.” He growled the words as he dragged the sheet down to her knees. “Tonight I’ll make do with my hands but tomorrow I intend to discover every single inch of your body with my tongue.”

  Was that a promise or a threat? She couldn’t tell but it did wild things to her already overheated body. His hands felt so good gliding over her curves. She couldn’t even imagine what it would feel like to have his tongue circling the stiff point of her nipple instead of the fingertip currently tormenting her.