Grabbed by Vicious: 1 Page 3
“This is my body.” He rubbed her lower belly. “And this,” he placed a soft kiss right atop her clit, “is my pussy. I can do whatever I like to it. Even this.”
She cried out as he sucked her clitoris between his lips. His tongue fluttered over the swollen kernel. The shock of it ratcheted her arousal up so quickly she climaxed against his tongue. Her clitoris pulsed as heat blossomed in her belly and spread through her chest. The pleasure was so intense and sudden, she thought she just might die.
He released her clitoris finally. She sagged against the table, her muscles limp. “Tell me you didn’t like that.”
She started to speak but then slammed her lips together. He laughed, the sound grating on her frayed nerves. “Don’t make fun of me! I don’t—I don’t understand any of this.”
He stopped instantly. His calloused palm caressed the space between her breasts. “I didn’t mean to upset you.” He sighed and kissed her inner thigh. “Hallie, when you’re with me, when we’re together like this, nothing is improper or wrong. Do you understand? I’m your husband, your mate and your master. If I say this is right, it’s right. Forget whatever nonsense you were told about sex and your body when you lived in the village.”
Was he right? Was it okay for her to enjoy his tongue there? He didn’t seem the least bit bothered by her wanton reaction.
And it did feel good. Wickedly, deliciously good.
He rubbed his chin across her mound. She inhaled sharply and tried to pull away from the powerful sensation. He increased the pressure until she stopped squirming. “I want you to repeat what I say. All right?”
“Yes what?”
“Yes, Master.” The words came easier now.
“Master, I enjoyed your tongue on my pussy.”
She hesitated. Could she really say that? “Master, I enjoyed your tongue on my…pussy.”
She said the last word fast and quiet. Vicious laughed and nipped at her inner thigh. She yelped at the bright flash of discomfort. “Say it again, Hallie, and mean it this time.”
She could do this. It was just one silly sentence. Besides, she did mean it. She had enjoyed his tongue on her. She inhaled a brave breath and stated, “Master, I enjoyed your tongue on my pussy.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” She could hear the smile in his voice. “Now, tell me you want me to do it again.”
“Again?” She didn’t know if she could survive that. “I’m not sure—”
“Hallie,” he interrupted, his tone stern.
She swallowed and licked her lower lip. “Master, I want you to lick me again.”
“My pussy,” he clarified.
She frowned at his bossiness. If she ever got loose from these restraints, she was going to wallop him. He pinched her nipple and she gasped. “All right! Master, I want you to lick my pussy again.”
He chuckled and playfully bit her inner thigh with just enough pressure to make her shudder. “I’m giving you a lot of leeway tonight, Hallie. A little more submission on other nights would be appreciated—or else.”
Or else? Oh god. If this was him being easy on her, what the heck was it going to be like when he wasn’t showing her any leeway?
Those troubling thoughts fled the second his tongue touched her pussy. It didn’t seem strange to think of that part of her body in that way anymore. Hearing Vicious call it that word and then saying it herself had removed so much of the taboo.
Vicious penetrated her with his thumb while his tongue drew lazy circles around her clit. She closed her eyes and relished the wickedness of it. His talented tongue flicked and fluttered until she squirmed and jerked at the cuffs. When she shattered this time, he replaced his thumb with two fingers, stretching and working her virgin passage with ease. The slight pain of his intrusion was lessened by the waves of pleasure rocking her body.
He sucked hard on her clitoris and let his fingers move faster and deeper. She was so wet now she could hear his fingers gliding in and out of her, the sound so decadently naughty that it made her gasp. She cried out as the wild ecstasy of the moment gripped her. She climaxed again, this one more powerful and scarier than the others. Vicious moaned against her pussy and lashed her with his tongue.
Limp and boneless, she trembled as Vicious slowly licked her clit and carefully removed his fingers. She descended from the heights of ecstasy to the sounds of her cuffs being unlatched. The straps across her waist and neck were undone. Now only her white collar remained.
Vicious gathered her in his brawny arms and cradled her to his broad chest. He kissed her temple as he carried her out of the room and into his bedroom.
When he placed her in the center of his big bed, panic invaded her belly.
This was it. He was going to take her now.
Chapter Three
Vicious stared down at Hallie. She looked so beautiful splayed out against his dark-gray sheets. He’d planned to consummate their relationship on his restraint table but had changed his mind when he saw how scared she was.
His gut twisted at the thought of her fearing him. He’d waited so long for a mate, for a woman to call his own. The last thing he wanted was for her to shrink in fear every time he touched her. He hoped after tonight, after she was rid of the last of her virginity, she would come to welcome his touch.
Hallie deserved a gentle, loving introduction to all of this. He wasn’t the nicest of men—that he admitted freely—but he wasn’t a monster. More than anything, he wanted her to be happy. He needed her to know only pleasure in his arms.
He slowly undressed, shedding his uniform, socks and boots. She watched him from the center of the bed, her innocent and wild-eyed gaze taking in every inch of bare skin as it was revealed. He considered leaving his boxer briefs on but shucked them after realizing it might make her feel more comfortable if they were both just as naked and vulnerable.
Her gaze zeroed in on his cock. A flash of panic crossed her face. He didn’t blame her. Like most men of his race, he had a big dick. It was a source of pride among their men. Now, though, it would probably be a source of frustration. That pretty pink pussy of hers had been so tight around his fingers. He didn’t even know if it was possible to penetrate her without causing too much pain but they were damn sure going to try.
He placed a knee on the bed. She instantly scooted away from him. He smiled at her attempt to evade. Apparently she hadn’t learned anything from their game of cat and mouse in the woods. Chasing her turned him on something fierce. She could try to run all she liked. She wasn’t getting out of this bedroom.
“Come here, Hallie.” He snapped his fingers and pointed to the spot she’d been occupying. “We’re going to consummate our bond now.”
She frowned and moved even closer to the edge of the mattress. “I’m not a dog.”
Now it was his turn to frown. “I never said you were. Now get back on the bed and open your thighs for me.”
She scoffed right in his face. “You should have kept me cuffed if you wanted to boss me around, Vicious. I’m not your toy. I’m a person.”
He gritted his teeth in annoyance. “I’m quite aware that you’re not my toy, but you are my woman. I intend to have you tonight.”
“What about me? Don’t I get a say in what happens?” She gestured to her luscious body. “What if I don’t want you to have me tonight?”
The thought of being denied his prize made his chest tighten. His cock already ached fiercely. If she denied him, he’d probably die from the galaxy’s worst case of blue balls. “A few moments ago, you were begging me to tongue you into another orgasm. You want me just as badly as I want you.”
“You’re really full of yourself, you know that?”
“I never claimed to be a humble man.” He tried to figure out how quickly she would react if he lunged at her. He had to admit he rather liked this feisty game she was playing. Making him work for her only ratcheted up his desire. “Was I wrong? You did enjoy my mouth between your thighs.”
bsp; She swallowed hard and dropped her gaze. “No,” she admitted grudgingly. “You weren’t wrong.”
“Come here, Hallie.” He was willing to ask her one more time. “Let me make love to you.”
She stepped back from the bed. “No.”
“Hallie.” He made sure his tone conveyed his warning. “You’re playing with fire.”
“And you’re being an unreasonable jerk!”
He jumped onto the bed and crossed the wide mattress in one quick hop.
When he landed on the other side, she scrambled away from him and straight into the nearest corner. She squeezed her small body into the tiniest ball and put her hands up over her face and neck as if to shield herself from blows.
His blood ran cold at the sight of her trembling with fear. He’d never in his life hit a woman in violence. Spanking, flogging, some light caning—these were all things done to arouse and titillate, and always with consent, but to hurt a woman in anger? No. Never.
To realize Hallie thought him capable of such brutality slashed deeply. He sat down on the edge of the mattress and gazed at her cowering figure. What had he done to make her think so badly of him? He thought back to the playroom and the tears on her face. She’d been afraid but he’d assumed it was the virginal fear of consummating their marriage that terrified her. Had he been wrong? Was it something far worse that she feared?
Feeling off-kilter, he rested his elbows on his knees and dropped his head into his hands. Failure wasn’t familiar to him but he’d done just that with Hallie. He’d failed to understand her needs. He’d failed to see things from her point of view. She was a farm girl from a backward planet where even the most basic medical treatments were shunned. All of this was probably very unnerving to her. He’d thought he was doing his best to ease her into his way of loving but clearly he’d gone too fast, too soon.
A slight movement drew his attention. She sat in the corner and hugged her knees. Her stare, both wary and confused, bore into him. Their gazes met and held. Finally, he held out his hand. She eyed his fingers with some uncertainty.
When she shoved up off the floor and slowly approached him, a flutter of hope invaded his belly. Perhaps all wasn’t ruined.
Hallie placed her hand atop his palm. He curled his fingers around hers and held tight. When he tugged gently, she came to him. He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. He swept aside the hair clinging to her cheek and neck and pushed it behind her shoulder. Though she’d mastered her fear and come to him, he sensed that fright just under the surface. One wrong move and she’d run from him again.
“I’m sorry.” Surprise crossed her face, and he smiled. “Yes, I’m quite capable of admitting my mistakes and owning up to them.” More serious, he added, “I thought we were playing a bit, just now. I didn’t realize you would think I wanted to hurt you if I jumped onto the bed.”
She considered him for a moment. “It was just instinct. I didn’t think you would actually hit me but I wasn’t going to take the chance.”
Instinct? Had someone dared to put their hands on her? “What do you mean it was instinct?”
She shrugged. “It’s not the first time someone has flown at me in a rage.”
Fury ignited in his chest. “Who hit you?” His gruff voice startled her. He quickly stroked her hand and apologized for the second time in as many minutes. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right.” She placed her hand on his arm. Her voice was soft as she explained, “My father isn’t the nicest of men. He drinks heavily and, well, patience isn’t his strong suit.”
It occurred to him that he knew so much about her body already but nothing of her. “Tell me about your family.”
She frowned at him. “Why?”
Because I said so, he thought, but instead answered, “I’d like to know more about you.”
“Oh. Well, there’s not much to say. My father is a blacksmith. My mother died when I was a little girl. I had a stepmother, briefly, but she died the winter the cough came to the village. My two youngest brothers, her children with my father,” Hallie clarified, “followed her to the graveyard. Father never remarried. My oldest sister, Kerri, raised the five of us until she married. By then, we were all old enough to see to ourselves.”
Their upbringings seemed so vastly different. She’d grown up at home, surrounded by family. He’d been sent to the most elite military academy at five to begin his training. It occurred to him that she might have a brother-in-law among his people since she had an older sister. “Are you the only female in your family to enter the Grab?”
She nodded. “Kerri married a dairy farmer before our councilors signed the treaty with your kind. Bernie…lives in the colonies.”
He noticed the slight hesitation but didn’t press. His interrogation skills told him there was a story there but this wasn’t the time to ask Hallie to divulge all her secrets. She barely knew him. Trust was something they needed to build.
“What about you?” She drew a loopy shape on his forearm. “Do you have family?”
“I did. My parents died some years ago.”
She squeezed his hand in sympathy. “I’m sorry.”
He smiled at her kindness. “Thank you. My fellow soldiers are my brothers.” He caressed her neck and touched his lips to her cheek. “But you are my real family now.”
She eyed him carefully. “Is that what you want with me? A proper family?”
He placed his hand on her belly, his fingers spanning the small space. The thought of her growing heavy with his child warmed his heart. “Of course.”
“Are you sure? Because from what I’ve seen so far, you want to be my master. A slave-and-master relationship doesn’t exactly lend itself to the formation of a proper family. Families require compromise and sacrifice, Vicious.”
Hearing her voice her uncertainties helped him understand. He cupped the back of her neck. “Hallie, I want to be your master here, in our private quarters. I don’t want you to be a true slave to me.”
“I don’t understand. I thought the men from the sky ships viewed women as slaves and property.”
“Well,” he said carefully, “our laws are similar to yours in that a woman becomes property of her husband, but the notion that we all view women as slaves is nonsense. Just as your men have different ideas about marriage, some of them more extreme than others, so do we.”
“My father is a domineering type. His word is law in our home, but he never put a collar on his wives or put them in restraints.”
He hesitated before saying, “It’s true that Harcos men have very specific tastes when it comes to the bedroom. Some of us require submission from our wives in all aspects of daily life. Others, like me, find such relationships tiring. As a colonel, I’m in charge of battalions of men every hour of every day. I don’t need or desire the added stress of micromanaging your life.” His fingertips followed the curve of her jaw. “I only want your complete submission when we’re together in this way.”
She chewed her lower lip. “And the rest of the time?”
“You’re a grown woman, Hallie. You’re more than capable of making choices for yourself.” He paused and considered their future. “There may be times where I ask you to default to my will outside our quarters but they will be few and far between and only to ensure your safety.”
She silently considered his explanation. With a smile, she asked, “And what if I want you to submit to my will?”
He didn’t miss the teasing glint in her dark eyes. “You would have to reward my submission.”
He nuzzled her neck, inhaling her sweet scent now mixed with the woodsy smell of his soap. “When you submit to me, I reward you with pleasure. For me to lower myself to you, I would require an inordinate amount of pleasure in return.”
Her entire face brightened with amusement. “Is that a dare?”
He laughed and kissed her gently before touching his forehead to hers. “Somehow I think you would rise to the
occasion.” He traced her lower lip with his thumb. “I’m going to make love to you now.”
She gripped his hand. “Please don’t tie me up.” She dropped her gaze in embarrassment. “I want to be able to touch you.”
Her simple request moved him. He lifted her chin and waited until she met his gaze. “I want you to touch me, Hallie. I meant what I said earlier. My body is yours to enjoy.”
He grasped her smaller hand and put it against his chest. Her fingertips grazed his skin and left a searing trail. His eyelids lowered as she explored him. He battled the urges warring within him, the desire to throw her onto her back and thrust inside her tight, wet pussy so intense it nearly overwhelmed him. His dick pulsed in time with his heartbeat. He forced down the primal need and tried to concentrate on her gentle touch.
She followed the outline of one of his tattoos, the one marking his first victorious battle as a commander of men. It had been the battle that made his career. Like most men, he’d marked only the right side of his body with mementos of war, leaving the left bare for his family. Soon, he’d have their family crest applied to his skin. Hallie would be given a special space near his heart. Their children would branch out from there, each one a new branch in their family tree.
When she placed her hand along his jaw, Vicious held his breath. She looked uncertain and nervous as she leaned forward. He didn’t dare move for fear of startling her. She pressed her lips to his and held them there. He kept his hands still on her waist and waited for her to gain the confidence she needed.
At the first movement of her mouth, he groaned. There was no stopping the needy sound that escaped his throat. She didn’t seem to mind. If anything, his admission of desire encouraged her. One of her arms slid around his shoulders. Her other hand stayed on his jaw, her fingertips stroking his cheek as her tongue flicked at his.
Had any woman ever kissed him like this? Before now, his trysts had always been confined to the occasional hour or two at a sky port brothel or one of the public parties arranged by the corps. In either case, the women were professionals paid handsomely to entertain. They were extremely satisfying encounters, especially when he was able to engage a professional submissive for an evening. It hadn’t ever occurred to him that those experiences were lacking something.