Saved by Venom: 3 (Grabbed) Read online

Page 22

“You can’t know that.”


  “Dizzy, if you could feel the way I want to fuck you right now, you would be running back in that bedroom and locking the door.”

  His blunt remark had the opposite effect that he intended. The dangerous glint in his eyes excited her. Since their first time together Venom had been so incredibly gentle with her when they made love. He brought her so much pleasure—sometimes she could hardly breathe as the rapturous spasms of the orgasms he coaxed forth rocked her—but she sensed he had been holding back a part of him.

  What was it that Raze had suggested? Touch him. Show him affection. Help him reconnect.

  She slowly stood and moved in front of Venom. Gripping the bottom of her nightdress, she peeled it off and presented her naked body to him. She grasped his big, scarred hands and brought them to her bare breasts. Looking him right in the eye, she decided to be brave. Using harsh language that would shock him, she ordered, “Fuck me, Venom. Be rough with me.”

  His nostrils flared. He squeezed her soft flesh with enough force to make her rise up on her toes. Pinching her nipples, he warned, “You don’t know what you’re asking for, Dizzy.”

  “I know that I want you.” She whimpered at the delicious arc of delight that accompanied the continued tweaking of her nipples. “I want to know all of you, Venom.”

  In a flash of movement, Venom wrapped his brawny arm around her waist and flipped her onto her stomach. The couch softened the unexpected tumble. She gasped when he gripped her hips and dragged her knees up onto the cushion.

  Gathering her hair in his hand, he pulled just hard enough to make her chin lift. His lips touched the shell of her ear. “Do you still want to know this side of me?”

  Heart racing and belly wobbling, Dizzy had never been more excited in her life. Venom’s rough manhandling shouldn’t have been so arousing—but it was. Her clitoris pulsed and her pussy ached to be filled by him. Dizzy pushed back against the steely length of him trapped in those shorts. “Yes.”

  “You don’t have to prove anything to me, Dizzy.” The arm clamped around her body loosened some.

  “I’m not trying to prove anything.” Certain she was playing with fire, she ground her backside against the erection jammed against her body. “Fuck me.”

  He clicked his teeth and whispered against her neck, “Such a dirty mouth.”

  A little breathlessly, she taunted, “I’m sure you can think of a good use for it.”

  “Tease.” In the next instant, he bit down on the sensitive curve there. She yelped but instead of feeling fear, she experienced only the heightened awareness of how good the flash of pain felt against the backdrop of arousal saturating her body.

  Those rough yet loving hands roamed her naked skin. His fingers swept down her spine, followed the curve of her bottom and disappeared between her thighs. While he nipped and kissed at her shoulders, Venom probed her pussy. She could feel him holding back and using all the willpower he could muster to be gentle with her.

  The slick wetness seeping from her core must have assured him that she wanted him, wanted this. She heard him push down his shorts before grasping her wrists and dragging them to the small of her back. With another pull, he pulled her down until her knees were dangling a few inches above the floor. The furniture here simply wasn’t built to accommodate her short stature.

  Contorted and unable to hold up her body weight, she relied on the couch for support. Relaxing her shoulders and arms, she surrendered to his controlling touch. The head of his cock nudged her pussy. He swiveled his hips while stabbing at her entrance, teasing her with the promise of the coupling to come.

  When he finally thrust into her, Dizzy cried out and closed her eyes. She couldn’t explain it but the rough way he loved her seemed to activate something hidden and secret within her. Venom took her with fast, hard strokes that made the couch shudder beneath them. Every plunging thrust of his cock made her body sing.

  With a growl of frustration or lust—she couldn’t tell—Venom flipped her onto her back. She bounced a little on the couch cushion and was still trying to get her bearings when Venom gripped her inner thighs and dropped his mouth right down on her clit. “Oh!”

  The wholly unexpected change in his tactic burned her right up. Dizzy cupped the back of his shaved head as he went wild between her thighs. His tongue fluttered over her throbbing bundle of nerves with such speed that she began to pant and rock her hips. “Oh! Oh! Oh!”

  The explosive climax ripped a scream from her throat. Bucking her hips, Dizzy rode the vacillating waves of her orgasm while clawing at Venom’s shoulders. She was still reeling from the unbelievably good vibrations of it when he straightened up and thrust back into her slick sheath.

  Head thrown back, Dizzy delighted in the love bites he made on her neck and breasts. Venom pounded her pussy like a man gone feral. She gripped his rippling biceps and held on for dear life as he jackhammered her with that massive tool.

  “Dizzy.” He uttered her name again and again. “Mine. Mine.”

  “I’m yours.” She sensed he needed the reassurance as he chased his release. “I’m all yours.”

  Lowering his head, he branded her mouth with a punishing, searing kiss. Slamming hard and deep, Venom went perfectly still for a second before shuddering against her. She lovingly caressed his arms and back as he filled her with his blazing-hot seed.

  After the wicked, passionate things he had done to her, Dizzy didn’t know how she ever could have imagined one of those staid, white-collar types down in The City would make her happy. Venom had awakened desires within her that would never be sated by anyone but him.

  “Are you all right?” he asked sometime later as they cuddled together on the couch. She had burrowed into his comforting heat and didn’t want to move.

  “Yes. Are you?”

  “Yes.” He gently tilted her face and kissed her with such sweet tenderness. “Did I hurt you?”


  “You’re sure?” He sounded so worried.

  “I’m sure.” Hoping to set his mind at ease, she admitted, “I enjoyed that a lot. The roughness, I mean.”

  Seemingly pensive, Venom wound her hair around his finger. “It’s probably the Harcos blood running through your veins.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Did you read the pamphlet about why our people do sex differently than yours?”

  “I sort of skimmed it.”

  “Tomorrow you need to read the entire thing. Then we’ll talk about it. The short version? The biochemistry of our bodies is different. Harcos women needed a little pain to find pleasure.”

  She considered that piece of information. “Do you think that’s why I crave deep pressure to feel secure or calm?”

  “It’s probably the reason. I’m sure Risk could tell you if there’s any research on it.”

  He wound and unwound her hair around his finger. She could practically hear the gears turning in his head. “What’s bothering you?”

  With some reluctance, he finally answered her. “I don’t want you to think that I was turned on by ending that man’s life today.”

  Aghast, she pushed up and stared down into his haunted eyes. “Venom, I don’t think that. I know how badly it affected you. I know that you don’t take pleasure in what you did.”

  “I don’t. I hate that some calls end that way. I wish that we could save every single life we come in contact with—but we can’t. We can’t.”

  “I know.” She caressed his jaw. “You don’t have to justify yourself to me. I understand that your line of work is filled with senseless violence. I don’t, however, think that you are senselessly cruel.”

  “When I came home today after the debriefing, I was so grateful that you gave me some space to work things out and to decompress. I needed to work through the call a few times to make sure—absolutely sure—that we did everything we could to end it peacefully.”

  She didn’t speak but continued to gently
brush her hand down his neck and across his chest.

  “Once I worked through all that head shit, I felt so agitated and antsy. All the adrenaline I had suppressed during the call just sort of rushed through me. I thought about checking out of here to go run until I dropped but then I realized that all I wanted was you. I wanted to feel connected to you again—but I was so afraid you would be disgusted by me.”

  “Venom.” She ached for him. It couldn’t be easy to be the man everyone else relied on to end difficult and dangerous situations.

  “I know,” he said softly and pushed into a sitting position. “I know you could never feel that way.”


  He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips. “You ready for bed?”

  Smiling, she confessed, “I’m not sure my shaky legs can make it that far.”

  “That’s okay, sugar.” Venom swept her up into his arms and headed for the bedroom. “Sometimes I have to carry you and sometimes I need you to carry me.”

  He meant emotionally of course but she decided to coax a smile from him with a teasing comeback. “Maybe I should start hitting the gym with Mayhem because I’m going to need to bulk up like Raze to lift your big behind like this.”

  Venom grinned. “You let me handle your workouts. I’ll get you whipped into shape in no time.”

  A quiver of anticipation struck her. “Maybe we could go a little light on the whipping.”

  Venom placed her on the bed and pinned her in place with his big, sexy body. “No promises, sugar.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next evening, Venom entered their bedroom in search of Dizzy. It was nearly an hour before they were expected to arrive for Menace and Naya’s wedding ceremony but he had something special planned for her. He placed the long coil of his softest, lightest rope next to the dress she had laid out on the bed.

  His fingertips ghosted down the strikingly beautiful fabric. She had paired a feminine salmon pink with a creamy white lace and bright ocean-blue ribbon accents. He marveled at the construction of the dress. She had told him this was a one-of-a-kind design she had sewn herself. Venom couldn’t wait to see it on her.

  The sight of undies next to the dress made him frown. He had made an exception by letting her wear them to her wives’ club meeting but tonight? Oh no. Picking up her silky panties, he carried them back to the closet and tucked them into the drawer she had claimed.

  His ears perked to the sounds she made while getting ready. The mysteries of this ritual still confounded him. Curious, he walked to the open door and leaned against the frame. For a long time he simply enjoyed the sight of her totally naked, her skin still pink and warm from their steamy shower.

  “I thought I told you that you were forbidden from coming in here until I was finished.”

  He grinned at her playful scolding. After pinning her to the wall of their shower for some hot, soapy sex, she had banished him from the bathroom. It was a smart move considering he was always craving her. Even now he had to give his dick an at ease rather than indulging his desire to bury it in her slick, snug sheath again.

  “I heard strange sounds and decided to investigate.”

  “Uh-huh.” She smiled at his reflection in the mirror but didn’t pause the application of her eye makeup.

  The tiny brushes she used to paint color on her eyelids and lips fascinated him but he thought it was a waste of her time. “You don’t need that. You’re already the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She lowered the brush and turned to face him with the sweetest expression on her face. “Thank you.”

  He shrugged. “It’s true.”

  She turned back to the mirror. “I don’t wear it because I think I’m not pretty enough. I wear it because it’s a complement to my outfit. A little sweep of color on my cheeks and smokiness around my eyes completes the picture.”

  “If you say so…”

  “I do.” Her smile turned a little wistful. “I used to sit on my mother’s vanity to watch her put on her makeup. She would let me play with the eye shadow and lipstick. I always think about her when I’m getting ready.”

  The mention of her mother spurred thoughts of the message from her friend Ella. After Dizzy had let him listen to it he had put in a private call to Pierce because he was concerned Jack Lane might be in real danger. If there was any chance Jack could be useful to the cause the Shadow Force would snap him up and put him in protective custody. Venom didn’t dare tell Dizzy what he had done. He hated the idea of getting her hopes up about contacting her father just yet.

  “That’s a snazzy uniform.” Dizzy closed up her makeup pots and tubes and stuffed them back in their small case. “Is it a dress uniform?”

  “Yes.” He smoothed his hand down the front of the formal uniform shirt. “I haven’t pulled this one out of the closet since Vee and Hallie exchanged rings.” He rolled his neck and grimaced at the heaviness of the uniform. “It’s not my favorite thing to wear.”

  “You look so handsome.” She rested her hands on his chest. “You have a lot of medals and stripes.”

  He hoped she wouldn’t ask how he had earned most of them. They weren’t memories he wanted to dredge up before such a happy occasion as witnessing Menace and Naya’s wedding ceremony. “Are you finished in here?”

  “I am.”

  He clasped her hand and pulled her toward the door. “Come with me. I want to do something special before the wedding.”

  She tugged back on his hand. “Venom, I don’t want to mess up my hair.”

  He laughed as he realized she thought he meant another tumble in the sack. Stepping toward her, he slid his hand along the curve of her back to cup her plump bottom. Brushing their mouths together, he murmured, “Sugar, I can think of a dozen different ways to have you that wouldn’t knock a single hair out of place.”

  She gulped. “A dozen, huh?”

  Chuckling, he kissed her swollen pout. “I’ll show you later. Right now I have other plans for you.”

  She didn’t fight him this time as he led her back into their bedroom. When her gaze fell on the bed, she scowled. “Where are my panties?”

  “You should know the rules by now.” He reached down to cup her bare sex. “This is always available to me.”

  She rolled her eyes and teasingly pinched his arm. “Venom, it’s one thing for me to run around our quarters like this but I can’t go out in public with my bottom uncovered.”

  Certain it would frustrate her, Venom insisted, “You can and you will. End of discussion.”

  Dizzy huffed but didn’t press the argument. “Whatever.”

  The blush of excitement staining her cheeks convinced him that she wasn’t that put out by his order. Picking up the rope, he said, “I’m going to bind you for the wedding.”

  “What? You mean under my clothing?”


  She eyed the rope critically. “But what if someone sees the ropes under my clothing? My dress is lined but if the fabric pulls tight…”

  He swept his fingertips along the swell of her breast. “Then they’ll know you belong to me and that you’re pleasing me by wearing something I created.”

  The submissive smile she offered did funny things to his heart. From the moment he had spied her that snowy morning, Venom had suspected he would be the first to fall in love. He had been preparing himself for taking a bride and starting a family for much longer than Dizzy so it was only natural that his feelings for her would take a serious turn much more quickly.

  As she lifted her arms and relaxed her shoulders to accept his intricate rope work, Dizzy showed that her trust in him was growing. The way she had sought him out last night convinced him that she cared for him. Their easy friendship was slowly morphing into something much more intimate and powerful. It would be some time before either felt comfortable proclaiming their love for the other—but he had no doubt it would happen.

  Venom lost himself in the focused intensity of wrappin
g her petite body in the rope. He crafted a flat body harness, tucking and looping the long lengths of rope rather than using knots to secure it. The diamond shapes he created on her soft skin looked so incredibly beautiful. Always mindful of her comfort and safety, he tested the tautness of the rope and ensured her ability to move freely remained.

  When he finished fashioning the corset, he took a step back to study his work. Her flushed skin and pebbled nipples assured him that Dizzy loved the gentle embrace of her bindings. Venom traced her full bottom lip. “You’re gorgeous, Dizzy.”

  She glanced up at him with a mischievous glimmer in her brown eyes. “I’m pretty sure a rope harness isn’t going to meet the formal dress code.”

  A chuckle rumbled through his chest. Dipping his head, he claimed her mouth with a loving kiss. He picked up the dress and helped her step into it. The enticing shimmy of her hips enlivened his cock. Indulging his desire to enjoy her lush body, Venom allowed his hands to caress her bare skin as he dragged her dress into place and slowly tugged the zipper up.

  He bent down and picked up the heels she had chosen. Clasping her ankle, he slid the first one on her foot. Dizzy put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself. He had to fight the clamoring desire to flip up her skirt and bury his face between her thighs. The idea of taking her to the wedding with her face still flushed from an orgasm was ever so tempting—but there simply wasn’t time to do it right.

  Dizzy popped into the bathroom one final time to primp. After he slid into his jacket, she checked over his uniform for any stray pieces of lint or fuzz before grabbing a sleek evening bag. He didn’t quite understand the rules of which purses went with which outfits but he assumed there was some science behind her choice.

  Spotting her collar on the bedside table, he crossed the room to retrieve it. When he picked it up, he noticed the new lining she had added. “Did you do this while I was at my second debriefing this morning?”

  “Yes.” She joined him next to their bed and took the collar from him. Looking a bit sheepish, she explained, “I sort of ripped open one of the throw pillows from the couch. I hope you don’t mind.”