Saved by Venom: 3 (Grabbed) Page 15
“Says who?”
“Dizzy,” he interrupted her gently, “what other people or society deems right and wrong ends at the front entrance of our quarters. We decide what is right and wrong for us. If you enjoy being tied up by me and I enjoy tying you up, we’re going to do it. If you like giving up control when we’re in bed so I can drive you crazy with pleasure, we’re going to do that. This is our mate bond and we’ll set the parameters of what is or isn’t allowed within our union.”
With a look of quiet consideration, she mulled it over while fingering the rope. When she finally lifted her face, Dizzy wore the oddest expression. She tilted her head back a bit bravely and said, “Tie me up.”
He reeled back with surprise. “What? Now?”
“Yes.” She looked as though she was trying to maintain her courage.
Worried about pushing her too far, too fast, he hurriedly said, “Dizzy, I didn’t bring you in here to pressure you. I only wanted you to see what the playroom is and explain what I hoped we might someday enjoy together.”
“I know that.” She placed her hand against his bare chest. The searing touch of her fingertips on his skin branded him as hers forever. “You’re going to be my first and I want to know what it’s like to do things your way.”
Venom studied Dizzy for a solid minute. “Are you sure?”
“Yes.” There was no hiding her nervousness but that was to be expected considering all that she was about to experience for the very first time. “Unless you don’t want to tie me up…”
“Dizzy, I’ve wanted to bind you in my ropes since that first moment I caught sight of you.” He threaded his fingers through her white-blonde hair. “I need you to understand that you can change your mind at any time.”
“I understand.”
He hoped she did but he would be watching her carefully. At the first sign of discomfort or panic, he would end their first foray into bondage.
Bending down, he kissed her tenderly and took the rope from her hands. “Go into the bedroom and wait for me.”
Biting her bottom lip, she nodded and carefully backed away from him. He enjoyed the sight of her swinging hips as she padded silently from the playroom. Left alone, he faced the wall of rope and formulated a plan for Dizzy’s introduction into the sensual world of bondage.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Dizzy couldn’t decide if she was crazy or stupid. She nervously paced the spacious bedroom and waited for Venom. Had she really just asked him to tie her up? Are you insane?
She must be losing her mind. Maybe that space sickness she’d read about in the pamphlets the medics had given her was a real thing. Surely she had to be coming down with some sort of space crazy to invite Venom to restrain her with rope. There was no other explanation for her brazen request.
No. Definitely not. There was no way she really wanted to be tied up. Was there?
She did.
Dizzy couldn’t explain it but something so stunningly primal had happened to her back in the playroom. As Venom had described wanting to restrain her with his ropes, she’d been overwhelmed by the most intense desire to feel squeezed and embraced by the intricate loops of knots and bonds. She remembered the way it had felt when he’d held her down while giving her an orgasm. Safe. Secure. Thrilling.
When he had spoken about the reasons he enjoyed rope bondage, she’d seen the primitive spark in his blue eyes. He needed this as much as she craved it. The way he had instinctively known how to help her sleep last night should have been her first clue that Venom understood her needs better than anyone.
For so many years, she’d considered herself broken with her bizarre need for deep pressure when trying to sleep. It wasn’t normal and different wasn’t something that people down in The City liked.
But maybe all along she’d simply been waiting for a man like Venom to show her what she needed. A man who understood how to nurture her and provide for all her needs—even the seemingly silly ones like needing to be feel secure and embraced at all times.
The sound of Venom’s advancing footsteps spurred her heartbeat into overdrive. She gulped and licked her lips and watched him emerge from the playroom with three coils of rope looped over his brawny forearm, two of them were a deep-red shade and the other a creamy white. In one hand he held some shiny clips and a knife.
“In case I need to cut you lose in an emergency,” he explained calmly. “I can grab some scissors from my play kit, if you’d prefer.”
She shook her head. “I trust you not to hurt me with that.”
“You probably shouldn’t put so much trust in me,” Venom gently chided. “We’ve only known each other for a day.”
He was right, of course. “It feels longer.”
He laughed. “Has spending time with me been that terrible?”
She cringed. “No, I meant—”
“I know what you meant,” he interjected with a smile. Leaning down, he pecked her cheek. “I feel the same way. It’s hard to explain but it does feel as if we’ve been acquainted for far longer than a day.”
She watched him lay out the ropes on the bed. “How do you know which ones you want to use? Is there, like, a method or something?”
He seemed surprised by her question. A pleased smile stretched his mouth. “You really are interested in this.”
“Of course I am.” She frowned at him. “What did you think? That I was just going along with this because you wanted it?”
“No. I could tell that you were curious about your reaction to being restrained by me last night but I wasn’t quite sure whether you were truly interested in being bound in rope.”
“I am.” She was able to admit it now without blushing too much. It seemed a strange thing to request but Venom made her feel safe asking for it.
“To answer your question—there are a few things I consider before selecting a rope from my collection. I consider what I plan to do with it first and that narrows down my choices. If I planned to suspend you from the ceiling, I would choose a stronger rope. Tonight, I plan to create decorative restraints so I’ve chosen something a bit softer and with some give.”
He grinned. “You’ll see soon enough.”
Oh, she had no doubt. Picking up the closest coil of rope, she felt its weight. Her gaze was drawn to the bright-orange strip of cloth tape a few inches above one end of it. “What’s this?”
“I color-code my ropes to keep track of the lengths.”
“Why do you need different lengths?”
“Six feet is good for making restraints. A dozen or so for harnesses.” He examined her with a scrutinizing eye. “Actually, as petite and thin as you are, I might need to cut some of them down a few feet.”
She toyed with the end of the rope. He’d sealed it with some sort of clear gel. “What’s this?”
“It’s to keep the ends from fraying.” He rubbed it between his fingers and gave an unsatisfied grunt. “I don’t particularly like this stuff but I’ve yet to find a way to seal the ends that works long-term.”
She studied the rope for a moment. “Why don’t you just whip-stitch it?”
“Probably because I don’t know how to sew,” he replied with a snort. Giving her suggestion careful consideration, he asked, “Do you think it would work?”
“I may have found something to keep you busy for the next few days. Do you have all the supplies necessary?”
“I have a sewing kit in my bag.” She rubbed the rope between her fingers. The fibers were soft but strong. “These aren’t synthetic like your uniform fabrics.”
“I’m not fond of most of the synthetic ropes that are available. I’m always careful to purchase ropes that won’t burn skin too easily. We probably won’t use the rougher braided types. They have their use but not with you.” He reached out to touch her arm. “Your skin is
so delicate and pale. I’d hate to mark or burn you too much.”
She bit her lip. “Does that happen a lot?”
“It can if your master isn’t careful and pulls the rope too quickly or too tightly.” He shrugged. “Some subs like that sort of thing.”
“Submissive women,” he clarified.
The description put her on the defensive. “I am not submissive.”
His lips danced with amusement. “All right.”
She glared at him. “I have a career and live independently. I’m not submissive to anyone.”
“You’re confusing submission in the outside world with submission to me.” He closed the distance between them with one smooth step. Winding his arm around her waist, he dragged her against his body. “And you are submitting to me. You’re surrendering control to me. You asked me to tie you up knowing full well that I can do anything I want to you once you’re bound and helpless.”
His words should have scared her—but they didn’t. They aroused her so badly she had to squeeze her thighs together to lessen the pulsing right behind her clitoris.
And Venom knew it. He watched her face so intently. Smiling triumphantly, he lowered his head and claimed her mouth. “Make no mistake, Dizzy. I want your submission.” He teased their lips together. “And you’re going to give it to me.”
Was she?
Yes. The answer was nearly immediate.
Venom took the rope from her hands and set it aside. He grasped the bottom of her nightgown and dragged it over her head. Gripping the gown in his hand, he allowed his approving gaze to roam her naked curves. Last night she had been mostly clothed but now she stood here totally exposed and vulnerable. She hadn’t been blessed with a knockout figure like Ella’s and started to feel self-conscious about her small breasts.
Almost reverently Venom sank down to his knees. As tall as he was, they were eye-to-eye now. The dangerously hungry glint to his eyes sent rippling shivers of delight through her core. When he cupped her breasts, she sucked in a sharp breath. They seemed even less impressive palmed in his big hands.
It didn’t seem possible but Venom appeared to read her mind. “I know what you’re thinking.”
She doubted it. “Oh?”
He leaned forward and nuzzled his mouth against the swell of her right breast. “You’re thinking that you’re inadequate.” The pointed tip of his tongue traced the dusky-pink bud framed by his thumb and forefinger. “And you’re dead wrong.”
“Ah!” Her hands flew to his shoulders as he suckled her gently at first and then with harder tugs. He released her nipple and rubbed the slight roughness of his chin across her highly sensitive skin. The moan and shiver he elicited from her brought a knowing smile to his handsome face.
“Look at the way you respond.” He pinched her left nipple with just enough of a bite to make her rise up on her tiptoes. The movement pressed her breasts even closer to his mouth and he took advantage of her position to suckle the nipple he had just tweaked.
Dizzy whimpered at the wicked sensations vibrating right through her. She had never felt anything like this. Last night had been amazing but she realized now that Venom had only shown her a teasing glimpse of the sensual possibilities he offered.
“Bigger isn’t always better, sugar.” He squeezed both of her breasts. “Wait until you see how gorgeous they’re going to look bound up in my ropes.”
She exhaled roughly. “How are you going to do that?”
He kissed each breast lovingly. “Patience.”
She didn’t have much of that left. She had been waiting so long for this moment. For years she had denied the erotic awakenings of her womanhood in a desperate attempt to protect herself. Being forced into a Grab and taken by Venom wasn’t exactly the way she had planned this moment happening—but she suddenly couldn’t imagine it going any other way.
Venom’s strength and his commanding nature soothed her anxious nerves. He wouldn’t fumble his way through this or leave her unsatisfied at the conclusion. Oh, she expected there would be some discomfort and assumed things might not go exactly according to plan but that was all right. She wanted to take this journey now.
With Venom.
He swept his hands up to her shoulders and massaged them. “When we’re playing with ropes, you have to be completely honest with me, Dizzy. Don’t hold anything back because you fear disappointing or upsetting me. If you don’t like the way something feels or if you feel faint or in any way unwell, you have to tell me immediately. Understood?”
“Yes.” The serious edge to his voice convinced her that he wanted to know the absolute truth, even if it meant she didn’t like the ropes after all.
“You need to stay relaxed. Don’t tense up when I’m binding you.” He stood slowly and walked around behind her. With his hand on her back, he carefully pushed her forward a few steps. “Stand tall and straight. We’re going to begin now.”
Gathering her hair in his hand, he coiled it up high and secured it with a couple of the clips he’d brought in from the playroom. With her hair out of the way, Venom peppered ticklish kisses along her shoulders and the very back of her neck. She giggled and squirmed as the feathery touch of his lips made her tummy flip-flop. His low, rumbling chuckle warmed her like sunshine.
She heard the rustle of rope and the thudding thwap as the long length of cream-colored line hit the floor. Glancing over her shoulder, Dizzy watched Venom unfurl his neatly coiled rope and folded it in half. He held the looped middle and advanced toward her. “Eyes forward, sugar. Head up and neck straight.”
She swallowed and did as directed. At the first touch of the rope against her skin, Dizzy closed her eyes. Something told her this was a moment she was going to want to remember again and again. The rope kissed her skin as softly as Venom had, the smooth fibers gliding across her body without enough pressure to mark or burn.
He slipped the looped rope under her breasts and pulled it tight in the middle of her back. The easy tugging motion told her that he was making a knot there. Suddenly she wished there was a mirror so she could watch him work.
“All right?” He slipped a finger under the rope. “Not too tight?”
“It’s fine.”
He made a quiet approving noise and slipped the looped rope back around to her front, this time above her breasts. “Today you’re only getting one simple loop under and above your breasts, but as you become accustomed to the ropes, I’ll start adding more pressure and more intricate work.”
When he stepped in front of her, their gazes clashed. His eyes had gone all smoky with desire and excitement. His cheeks were a bit ruddy too. Venom couldn’t hide his arousal in boxer briefs but it was the intense set of his jaw that drew her attention most. She marveled at his focus as he created the beautiful rope work adorning her body.
She could hardly breathe as he weaved and tucked the rope under the two loops he had already created to form a sort of halter-top. He slid around behind her again to tighten the rope. She shivered a little as he wound it around her waist a couple of times, pulling it taut but not so tight that it bit into her skin.
He stepped back to survey his work. Something wasn’t quite right. The touch of a frown played upon his lips. “You look unbalanced.” He rubbed his jaw. “I’m going to bind your thighs.”
His gaze flicked to hers just fractionally before moving to the bed. It was a look that told her he would stop if she wanted him to—but she didn’t.
Venom picked up one of the shorter coils of rope and knelt in front of her. Prickly goose bumps raced across her skin as his bare fingertips glided along the outer curve of her leg. He took his time wrapping her left thigh with the braided rope and weaving the line through the belt-like adornment on her waist. When it slipped down the other side, he looped the rope around her right thigh.
Mesmerized by the skilled movements of his fingers, she watched him form knots and loops and braids. “It’s beautiful.” Her soft voice seemed to startle hi
m. She bit her lip. “Sorry.”
He reached up and brushed his thumb across her pout. “It’s fine. I’m not used to talking when I’m working.”
“Have you…” She stopped herself and decided not to go there.
But Venom cocked his head and seemed intent on following the thought. “Have I…?”
Avoiding his gaze, she asked, “Have you done this with a lot of women?”
Venom’s fingertips skimmed her cheek. He drew her gaze and shocked her with the sincerity shining in his pale eyes. “I’ve been with other women, yes—but not as many as you’re likely imagining. What I shared with those women—well, it won’t come close to what we’ll share. I’ve never been with the same woman more than once. Last night was the first time I slept with any woman.”
“Really?” She hated the hopefulness coloring her voice. It was such a silly, romantic thought but she wanted to be some kind of first for him. She wanted to be as special to him as he was going to be to her.
“Really.” He captured her mouth in a gentle, easy kiss. “You and I—we’re breaking new ground here, sugar. We’re building something new.”
Venom sat back on his heels and traced the lines of cream and red rope crisscrossing her body. He circled a couple of knots before resting his hands on her hips and turning his attention toward her breasts. They were supported by the ropes, almost like a bra. Her nipples were flushed and peaked and aching for his touch.
He gave it without request. Teasing at first, his tongue flicked against the pink buds before sensually laving them. When he suckled her, she sighed and lifted up on the balls of her feet, pressing her breast to his mouth and silently urging him to continue to stoke her passions. She made a disappointed sound when he released her nipple and merely caressed her hips.
“Tell me how the ropes make you feel.”
“Warm,” she said the first word that came to mind. “Secure. Safe.”
“Good.” He sounded so pleased by her response and she was filled with the most unexpected sense of happiness. “You seem less nervous and more relaxed.”
“Do I?” She considered her emotions for a moment and realized he was right. The ropes hugging her body eased the anxiety she had been feeling about what awaited her with Venom.