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Saved by Venom: 3 (Grabbed) Page 12

  His lips settled into a tight line as he peeled away the clear backing on the vital-signs detector and placed it on the underside of her wrist. “It’s just a term, Dizzy. I realize it has a negative connotation in your world but it’s not like that here. When we get home I’ll explain it to you.”

  The firmness in his voice made her eyebrows arch. “Is this where I nod my head like a good girl and say Yes Master?”

  Risk chortled noisily behind Venom. Her mate—master—eyed her carefully. Leaning down, he planted his hands against the mattress on either side of her hips and didn’t stop leaning in until their gazes were level. His masculine scent swirled around her and the insane amount of body heat he produced radiated right through her.

  “Well, Dizzy,” he said finally, “I suppose that depends on how badly you want to be rewarded once we get home.”

  The dangerously sexy glint in his eyes made her tummy flutter wildly. She had a feeling his idea of a reward included her naked and totally at his mercy. If last night’s glimpse into Venom’s skills as a lover were any indication of what she could expect, Dizzy wanted him to reward her long and hard.

  Rather than overreacting without all the information, she decided to wait and let Venom explain this whole master thing to her. Hopefully it was a simple cultural difference. After all, he had said that he didn’t want a house slave, right? So far, he had stood by his word to her and broken none of his promises. She doubted he was going to start now.

  Toying with one of the buttons lining the front of his uniform shirt, she whispered, “All right, Master.”

  Venom’s lips twitched as he tried to fight a smile. There was no hiding his pleased response to her teasing reply. The tender kiss he pressed to her forehead reassured Dizzy. If he really was controlling or mean, he wouldn’t show her such patience and gentleness. He would have been a raging jerk right out of the gate.

  Risk stepped closer to finish his exam and Venom reluctantly stepped aside. He checked the incisions behind her ears and palpated her neck for any swelling. After asking a few more questions, he peeled off the life-signs detector and tossed it in the trash. “You’re good to go, Dizzy. I’d like to see you in a week for another head scan to ensure that you’re healing properly internally. Externally your incisions are nicely knitted together but I’d recommend treating them gently when you’re washing your hair.” He exchanged a glance with Venom. “We’ll also chat about your test results from the intake exam.”

  She frowned. “Should I be worried?”

  Risk waved his hand to dismiss her worries. “No. I didn’t see anything in the preliminary results that should concern us. I’ll take another look when the final report is in just to be sure.”

  “Oh. Okay.” Her panic subsided. Considering the state of The City and the lack of good medical care and even sanitation in some of the slums, she could only imagine the awful diseases and toxins she’d been exposed to during her short life.

  “If you experience any pain, swelling or pressure in the area where we operated, I want you to come see me immediately. All right?”


  “I’m medically disqualifying you from space-to-surface travel until I’ve had a chance to do two follow-ups on your surgery. Obviously if we had to abandon ship, you would have to take the risk but for pleasure travel?” He shook his head. “I don’t think it’s worth the chance of rupturing the drains we installed.” Risk glanced at Venom. “Since we’re talking about pressure, no inversions or suspensions where she might shift upside down for at least two weeks, Captain.”

  Venom nodded. “Understood.”

  Inversions? Suspensions? Her curious glance at her new husband went unanswered. Maybe this was something else her master was going to tell her about when they reached his private quarters.

  Risk held out his tablet. “Sign here, Venom, and she’s all yours.”

  Watching Venom scrawl his signature on the tablet screen to take possession of her from the hospital drove home her new and very unequal standing here in his world. So far he’d treated her with respect and showed that he valued her—but his legal system reduced her to nothing more than property. She didn’t like it one bit.

  Venom grabbed her suitcase in one hand and held out the other. “Ready?”

  She slid off the bed and placed her hand atop his huge palm. He wrapped those long, thick, calloused fingers of his around hers and pulled her tight against his side. “Take me home, Venom.”


  Venom couldn’t wait to get Dizzy out of the infirmary wing and safe inside his quarters. He sensed her rising anxiety after the way he had stupidly uttered the word master. Risk’s mention of suspension and inversions hadn’t helped matters any. He wanted to sit her down and have a candid conversation in a more comfortable and private environment.

  Though he had no intention of forcing her to follow the old ways of his people, he did want to slowly introduce her to the concept of surrendering to his dominant side. He believed she would find a great deal of pleasure in submitting to him—but it had to be on her own terms. There would be no pressure from him. Venom wanted that gift of submission to come freely and without strings attached.

  As they exited the infirmary and crossed the waiting room to the elevator bank, he noticed Dizzy gawking at her new surroundings. He tried to imagine seeing all of this from her perspective. It would be a daunting experience to be thrust into this gleaming technologically advanced world.

  “I know it’s a shock, Dizzy, but you’ll get used to it.” He slid his arm around her slender shoulders and gave her a reassuring hug. “As soon as Risk clears you for travel and I can free up some vacation time, I’ll take you back down to Calyx so you can get your feet on solid ground again.”

  She smiled up at him and snuggled in closer to his side. The simple act of seeking his protection and support made his heart stutter. Building trust between them was his number-one priority. He needed Dizzy to know that he’d do anything for her and that she could count on him to provide for all her needs—physical, mental or emotional.

  When they stepped into an empty elevator he took her hand and touched it to the navigational screen. “We’re in this section of the ship. Our living quarters are way over here.”

  She bit her lip. “I’m really bad at reading maps.”

  He chuckled softly as he remembered the way she’d gone in the complete opposite direction of where she needed to go during the Grab. “Don’t worry. Navigating the Valiant is foolproof.”

  “I’m not so sure.” She studied the navigational screen with a great deal of skepticism.

  Venom tapped the underside of her wrist. “They implanted your ID chip while you were sedated. This thing is like the key to the ship. It will allow you in and out of our quarters. It provides a method of payment when you need to shop.” He waved her hand near the ID reader until it beeped. A second later a route appeared on the navigational screen. “Now you have a map to get home.”

  He let her examine the display for a few moments before gently nudging her forward. “Go ahead. If you make a mistake, I’m right here to help you.”

  She hesitated before tapping the screen and choosing the next appropriate floor. “Is this right?”

  “Yes.” He gave her ponytail a playful tug. “When we hit the next main floor, I’ll take you through the shopping and food courts so you can get a feel for what’s available.”

  “What about fabric and notions?”


  “Sewing supplies,” she clarified.

  “Oh. Well—I have no idea,” he admitted. “I’m sure Naya can arrange an import order for anything you can’t find in the shops here.”

  Before Dizzy could answer, an eardrum-piercing squawk blasted them from above. Startled by the sound, she jumped and squeaked with shock. Immediately concerned about her newly sensitive hearing, Venom clapped his hand over her left ear and smashed the other against his chest to muffle the noisy alarm. He thought of the healing inci
sions behind her ears a second too late but figured they were all right. He’d been on the receiving end of the fast-healing and quick-dissolving sutures enough times to be reasonably assured he hadn’t just hurt her.

  “It’s an abandon ship drill.” He raised his voice so she could hear him. Dropping the suitcase, he reached over to the navigational panel in search of an option to mute the damn alarm.

  “Now hear this. Now hear this…”

  “Yeah, I fucking hear you,” he growled. These damn drills were annoying as hell but they served a necessary purpose. The new brides coming onto the ship every quarter had to know how to save themselves if the Valiant was ever attacked and abandon ship orders were given.

  The elevator dinged pleasantly as they reached their destination. When the doors parted, Venom’s mouth settled into a grim line at the two faces that greeted him. Pierce and Torment didn’t seem the least bit surprised to see them. Suddenly he doubted the abandon ship drill and their elevator ride occurring simultaneously was a coincidence.

  Was this about his run-in with Devious? If it was, these two Shadow Force operatives had the world’s worst timing. Venom would never shirk his duty but he had much better things to do this morning than sit in an interrogation room with a couple of spooks. More importantly he doubted Dizzy was going to enjoy sitting alone in a waiting room while he was grilled.

  Torment stepped inside and moved his wrist in front of the ID scanner, followed by Pierce. The doors shut and the alarm immediately stopped within the confines of the elevator. Venom lowered his hand from Dizzy’s ear but she didn’t make a move to leave the security of his embrace. She seemed to have picked up on the danger the two men presented.

  Pierce smiled at them but Torment remained his usual sunny self. His dead-eyed stare unnerved Venom so he could only imagine how much it scared Dizzy. She gripped the front of his uniform and glanced up at him with much worry in her dark eyes. He tried to put her at ease by rubbing the spot between her shoulder blades but he was certain the stiff set of his jaw wasn’t helping matters any.

  He decided there was no point in lying to her because the truth about the two men would soon be evident to her. “Dizzy, these men work for a special branch of the corps. This is Pierce and that’s Torment.”

  She gulped. “Special branch? You mean like the secret police?”

  Pierce tried to ease her fears. “We don’t roust people out of their beds in the middle of the night for beatings over publishing political papers but we perform similar functions.”

  “I see.” She pushed even tighter against his side. Venom soothingly petted her upper arm. “I suppose you two didn’t corner us in this elevator to congratulate Venom on Grabbing me.”

  “No, we didn’t.” Pierce picked up Dizzy’s suitcase. “You have some very interesting friends and family, Miss Lane.”

  Pierce’s remark sent a cold chill through Venom. This wasn’t about Devious at all.

  On instinct Venom pushed Dizzy behind his body. He kept his hand curved along her hip. “What’s this about, Pierce?”

  “We just have a few questions for your bride.”

  Venom didn’t like the sound of that at all. Trying to remain calm he considered the two Shadow Force operatives. Pierce wasn’t the kind of man who would ever harm a woman. He had committed a major infraction and earned a disciplinary demerit for allowing Naya to record a message before Terror dropped her on Calyx to run a covert operation. Whatever he wanted from Dizzy, Pierce would be gentle and respectful in his handling of her.

  But Torment? Venom warily eyed the Shadow Force interrogator. The man had a dark and deadly reputation. He was a cold son of a bitch who excelled in extracting information from Splinter terrorists. The medics who had treated some of Torment’s suspects had told Venom stories that turned his stomach. There was no way he would allow Torment to put those cruel hands anywhere near his Dizzy.

  “Do I need a lawyer?” He doubted they were bringing Dizzy down to the hidden Shadow Force operations center for a friendly chat.

  “We just have a few questions about some of Dizzy’s acquaintances back in The City.” Pierce offered a relaxed smile. “We have no issue with her at all.”

  “Unless she’s uncooperative,” Torment rasped.

  Venom’s hold on Dizzy tightened. He fixed the interrogator with a daring glare. “Watch your step, Torment. This is my mate—and you will show her respect.”

  Torment inclined his head in silent acceptance of the warning. Dizzy gripped the back of his shirt. He hated that she was being frightened like this. His protective instincts flared.

  Despite Torment’s position in the Shadow Forces and his ability to make life very uncomfortable, Venom wouldn’t hesitate to knock the leaner, slightly shorter man flat on his ass if he lifted one finger in Dizzy’s direction. He’d witnessed Menace nearly lose Naya after Terror and his men overstepped their bounds. He wasn’t going to give them the chance to put Dizzy at risk.

  The elevator opened onto an empty hallway that wasn’t even on the navigational screen. Torment led the way and Pierce stepped aside with a gesture for them to follow the interrogator. On edge, Venom clasped Dizzy’s hand and scanned the hallway for any threats. With Pierce trailing them, they followed Torment to one of the doors lining the opposite side of the corridor.

  Torment pushed open the door and entered the brightly lit interrogation room. At the sight of the table and two chairs, Dizzy stopped walking. Venom hated to force her into the stark space but it had to be done. The sooner they got this over with the better. He pulled her across the threshold and walked her to the nearest chair.

  “You can wait outside, Venom.” Torment slapped a stack of folders onto the table.

  “Like hell,” Venom snapped. He grabbed the chair, pulled it out and sat. Winding his arm around Dizzy’s waist, he dragged her down onto his lap. “Ask your damn questions so I can get my wife out of here.”

  Pierce looked awfully amused as he placed Dizzy’s suitcase next to the table and took the seat across from them. “Direct and to the point as always, Ven.”

  “Let’s just get this over with, Pierce.” Venom let the irritation he was feeling at being blindsided by these two fill his voice.

  “Fair enough.” Pierce picked up one of the folders and opened it up in front of him. He lifted his gaze and smiled at Dizzy. “Let’s talk about the Grab.”

  “Okay,” she said uncertainly. “What about it?”

  “This is the original list of lottery numbers pulled for the Grab.” Pierce whipped out a sheet of paper from the files he’d likely obtained from a spy within The City’s government. “Your number isn’t on it.” He retrieved a second sheet. “Yet curiously it’s on this revised list that was posted as the official lottery results.”

  Shock tore through him. He shifted her on his lap so he could see her face better. “Dizzy, is that true? You weren’t selected for the Grab?”

  She swallowed hard. “Not exactly.”

  “She bought her way onto the list. Didn’t you?” Pierce already knew that answer.

  Didn’t she realize that she’d broken one of the treaty laws? Didn’t she understand how suspicious it looked for a woman to buy her way onto a list that would allow her to gain access to the Valiant and possibly a high-ranking member of the military?

  Pierce slid another sheet of paper across the table. “We know that you sold your number to this council member. I need to know how you did it and why.” He peered intently at Dizzy. “From all accounts, you had a rather nice life down there. You were living independently and enjoying a growing profile as a designer. Why does a young woman with so much success and prosperity ahead of her throw her name into the ring to be Grabbed?”

  Venom wanted to hear her answer. What had she said back in the forest? I don’t have anywhere else to go. Why would she tell him something so obviously untrue?

  She fidgeted as a blush of embarrassment stained her neck and face. “I didn’t sell my number. My dad did. He owes
a lot of money to a loan shark. He needed the money or else Fat Pete was going to collect me as collateral.”

  Venom’s gut soured. He felt the shame radiating from her and tried reconcile all the details she’d let slip about her parents last night, especially the ones about her father, with the picture that Pierce was painting. Dizzy had described her dad as loving and kind but the man had risked losing her to a loan shark.

  “This man?” Pierce opened another file and retrieved a photo of a morbidly obese man in his late fifties.

  She nodded. “They call him Fat Pete. He controls all of the sharking action in Low Town.”

  “Was your father being threatened by this man?”

  “Well, yeah, I mean he is a criminal.”

  “Your father or the loan shark?” Pierce turned the question around so quickly.

  She glared at him. “My dad is a black market dealer. Most of the cargo he moves is medically related. I’d hardly call providing antibiotics criminal.”

  “I suppose that depends on which side of the law you’re standing,” Pierce replied.

  To keep Dizzy from lashing out at Pierce and causing herself trouble, Venom gently stroked her arm. He understood how difficult this was for her but she couldn’t understand how much worse it could get if she refused to cooperate.

  “Why does your father owe Fat Pete money?”

  Picking at nonexistent lint on her dress, Dizzy shrugged. “He didn’t tell me and I didn’t ask. My dad has separated that side of his life from mine for years. I think it was over lost cargo or maybe shipping arrangements that fell through.”

  Pierce stared at her for a few unnervingly long seconds. Was he trying to read her? Venom wondered what they thought she knew.

  “Tell me how your father exchanged your lottery number.”

  “I don’t know how he did it. I know how other people have done it.”

  “And how is that?”

  “It’s not that hard. There’s always some rich girl with a pulled number who wants out of the Grab and a family with a daughter who has a clean number that needs the money. If you know someone who knows someone—”